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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Urce II
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Urce II, a desolate and unforgiving planet, presents a stark and unwelcoming landscape to any intrepid travelers who dare to venture upon its surface. The planet is mostly rocky, barren terrain, punctuated by a handful of low, rugged mountains and an array of ancient craters. A meager two percent of Urce II's surface has managed to foster an indigenous flora - a hardy yet unassuming species of tall, resilient grass that clings to life amidst the arid desolation.

At first glance, Urce II appears insignificant and unimportant. However, the Galactic Civil War changed this. While the surrounding systems were hotly contested, Urce became a rallying point to which fleets from the warring factions would fall back to regroup and repair. Thanks to its perceived worthlessness, no faction was willing to fight too hard for control. Instead, small settlements were built to house a handful of displaced persons and give the builders claim to the planet. The planet's harsh climate and apparent lack of resources ensured these scattered settlements remained isolated and independent from each other.

The planet's extreme climate makes the surface inhospitable to most lifeforms. Unforgivingly hot, it condemns anyone who braves its surface to don protective clothing against the relentless heat. Seeking refuge from the harsh surface conditions, settlers on Urce II have delved deep below the planet's rocky exterior, revealing a hidden trove of invaluable mineral deposits and other essential resources. To exploit these riches, they've erected a variety of settlements; some are glistening domed cities adding life to the normally barren surface; others are subterranean warrens dug into the planet's crust. All serve as vital hubs for resource extraction, manufacturing, and simple day-to-day life in the crucible that is Urce II.

  • Type: Hot/breathable
  • Size: 8x8
  • Government: None
  • Governor: None
  • Magistrate: None
  • Tax Level: 5.0000%
  • Total: 106,630,108 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 20.4100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile