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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Skako
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Skako, situated within the Alderaan sector of the Core Worlds and circled by two lunar companions, boasts a continental expanse adorned with multiple landmasses of varying sizes. Surprisingly, it is not the largest continent that teems with life but rather the lower half of the northernmost landmass. Here, beneath the skies, a magnificent and massive urban sprawl gleams in all its glory. Though lacking the charm and aesthetic allure of other Core World metropolises, it exudes vibrancy and prosperity befitting its status. Across Skako's untouched terrain, expansive grassy hillsides and plains stretch as far as the eye can see, with sparse forests dotting the landscape. The planet's most striking feature was once its methane-based atmosphere and formidable atmospheric pressures, which rendered it treacherous to non-indigenous lifeforms despite an otherwise temperate climate. The distinct lack of forestland today is the result of recent terraforming operations, causing native flora and fauna to struggle for survival.

Skako, an often mysterious world to outsiders, was home to the Skakoans, a sentient species of methane-breathing mammals. These enigmatic beings depended on bulky pressurised suits to survive away from the confines of their homeworld, exhibiting a highly xenophobic nature that kept them secluded unless necessity beckoned. Skako's discovery predates the formation of the Galactic Republic, occurring during the blazing of the Brentaal-Denon Route along the Hydian Way. Yet, it was only during the tumultuous Second Alsakan Conflict, spanning from 16,200 to 15,400 BCGT, that intergalactic war first loomed at the planet's doorstep and forced the otherwise non-interfering Skakoans to participate in galactic events. Throughout its history, Skako thrived as a bustling trade hub, attracting intergalactic corporations and businesses enticed by the Skakoans' natural aptitude for logic, mathematics, science, and technology. This affinity propelled the Skakoans and their homeworld to the forefront of the initial incarnation of the Techno Union, earning them a leading position within the organisation. While remaining loyal Republic members prior to the turmoil of the Clone Wars, the machinations of the Techno Union led Skako to secede from the Republic and become a pivotal player in the ranks of the Separatists during the course of that conflict.

The Skakoan government operated under the leadership of a guild comprising highly influential and prosperous individuals in Skakoan society who had orchestrated the collective progress of the planet over the course of millennia. Due to its atmospheric conditions, visiting Skako necessitated non-native sentient species donning their own pressure suits. Interestingly, the Skakoans themselves enforced laws that prohibited the use of pressure suits not manufactured on Skako by their own people, which is a testament to their xenophobic mistrust. Faced with a substantial war debt for their active involvement in the Separatist movement, the Skakoans were forced to sell control of the Techno Union in Year 6 CGT, although they were careful to privatise their former navy first. Alien executives and technicians arrived and built a network of cloud cities that systematically thinned the atmosphere by extracting methane. As the surface pressure dropped, the air remained rank yet became wholesome to most other species but poisonous to the Skakoans, who were not granted representation by the new corporate management. They were forced to live in pressurised communities until offworld staff moved in, after which most Skakoans became unemployed. With their careers and global environment in ruins, the Skakoans loaded their remaining property onto every spaceworthy Hardcell and departed in Year 11 to establish new colonies on suitable worlds elsewhere. Only a few vital consultants and engineers remain, and there has been no news from the expeditions.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 14x14
  • Total: 145,740,404 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 9.2500%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile