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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Huldamun I
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In its harsh winters, Huldamun I is an ice world with sudden and tremendous winter storms that appear without warning. During the summer thaw season, however, grasslands flourish and the few native creatures on this otherwise barren planet wake from their hibernation in search of food. These creatures are unique when compared to most other lifeforms across the galaxy as the creatures’ bodies allow a wide range of body temperature without ill effects, allowing the creatures to survive the long harsh winters and erratic weather patterns in the summers. Large, white- or light-brown-furred, Wampa-like creatures called rugotos are probably the best examples of these unique traits, with bodies that allow a variation of nearly more than thirty degrees before the creature becomes uncomfortable with the climate. It takes an even greater variation in temperature for any form of threat to its livelihood.

Though life is not impossible for humans on the planet of Huldamun I, the weather patterns have driven away many potential settlers. Most of the potential settlers to this world end up opting to join the population in Savareen, where the small government offices and more frequent contact with the galactic core make life a bit more attractive than living on the cold and harsh world of Huldamun I.

Occasionally, privately chartered hunting parties can be seen on Huldamun I’s surface. Wealthy businessmen from Rodia are known for traveling to this corner of the Arkanis sector to hunt for wild game trophies, and the rugotos are among the popular hunted animals. With the recent break of the galactic civil war, however, hunting parties to Huldamun I are less frequent. Many persons who used to work as hunting guides and survival specialists on this planet migrated to Savareen as their business dwindled. Perhaps the only somewhat permanent human residents are the research scientists from various universities across the galaxy that stay on Huldamun I months at a time.

  • Type: Cold/breathable
  • Size: 11x11
  • Total: 9,011,775 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 2.6600%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile