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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Brodo Asogi
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Brodo Asogi, also known as the Green Planet, may just be the most verdant world in the known galaxy. Some might make a case for Kashyyyk, with its towering wroshyr trees, or the forest moon of Endor, with its lush forests, but in truth, no planet studied thus far boasts the sheer magnitude of plant species this world, located deep in the Outer Rim, close to Huk and Kalee, does. Articles published in several leading scientific journals put the number of plant species that can be found in a single square kilometre of Brodo Asogi at anywhere between twelve and fifteen thousand. These range from tiny, almost fungus-like mosses almost too small to see, to mighty hardwood trees two hundred meters in height with trunks ten meters in diameter and every imaginable variation in between. Over three-quarters of the planet is covered in lush forests, thick jungles and humid swamps filled with innumerable species of water plant and algae. In fact, every surface water source is so rich in plant life that acquiring drinkable freshwater can require multiple rounds of filtration to remove enough of the microscopic plant life to make the water palatable to most sentients.

Such rich plant life even has a noticeable effect on the local environment. During daylight hours, when photosynthesis is in full swing, the oxygen level in the forest can actually increase from the planet's base of close to twenty-two percent to almost twenty-five percent. Conversely, during the hours of darkness, the oxygen level can fall by up to three percent. While this is not a major concern for terrestrial organisms, it is a significant factor driving the evolution of aquatic life. Many of the planet's fish and aquatic invertebrates live amphibious lives and leave the water at night to avoid the low oxygen, high carbon dioxide environment caused by plant respiration. This amphibious lifestyle has led to some rather bizarre animal species, many of which are endemic to the planet. In fact, many of these have highly efficient respiratory systems and even methods of storing oxygen in various organs of the body.

One would think that such a fertile world would have been quickly exploited for its agricultural potential. In fact, despite the fact that test crops have shown record yields of fruit and grain, the planet itself is largely untouched by development, save for a few research facilities and a small starport. This can be attributed in part to the joint Yam'rii -Kaleesh declaration that Brodo Asogi should remain a natural preserve - one of the few times these races have cooperated on anything and partly to the fact that it is the totality of the planet's biosphere that yields such amazing fertility. Soil taken offworld has proven to be no more fertile than any other soil, meaning that there is no particular commercial value in exporting the soil. Yam'rii science teams have also reported the presence of a sentient species on the planet, providing images of squat, long-necked, brown-skinned natives with large heads and eyes clearly communicating with team members. The species, currently referred to as Asogians, has demonstrated a shyness and reclusiveness that belie the high technology observed by the Yam'rii science teams. Initial communications with the Asogians suggest that they are not natives to the world, but any attempts by the research teams to identify their homeworld have been politely, but firmly rebuffed.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 9x9
  • Government: Quests
  • Governor: None
  • Magistrate: None
  • Tax Level: 5.0000%
  • Total: 1,243,530 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 1.5100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile
  • Safe Zone: True