Bespin is a many-mooned gas giant that was home to the mining operations of Cloud City. The planet is located in the Velser asteroid ring, and due to its incredibly large size, attracts many of the larger asteroids of the belt to go into orbit and form one of many moons that Bespin hosts. The two most famous moons are the "Twins," H'gaard and Drudonna.
The local wildlife on Bespin, despite being a gas planet, include the rawwks, a flying mynock-like bird, as well as airborne algae sacks. Among these are the beldons, the velkers, the glowers and the pinks. The skies are also home to a number of transplanted life forms, such as Alderaanian thrantas
The planet itself is formed like most gas giants, with a solid metal core, a liquid sea of metallic rethen as well as non-metallic rethen, followed by a habitable layer of gas. Anything below the layer of gas would, however, collapse under intense pressure. Even in the life zone, where mining is possible but not without its hazards, there are frequent ice storms that are driven up from the surface.