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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Askaj III
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Askaj III is a largely aquatic planet, known for the various islands, peninsulas, and enormous, drifting icebergs. The main, central continent (apart from the volcanic and cavernous regions ) is known for the treacherous grassy plain which seems very friendly and hospitable for most species. The danger lies in the endless, identical series of fields and hills, all covered with grass. As friendly as this may seem, the dimensions of this plain are to be taken very seriously, as remains of earlier expeditions can still be found with their obvious, fatal ending in the middle of these outstretched fields. Anyone venturing out into the openness of these fields and hills should be well equipped with sufficient navigational aids. The bordering forests and jungles of Askaj III contain a variety of many species, which make them very interesting to those with a scientific or biological background. Though no reports of dangerous creatures have yet been made, the normal level of precautions should be taken when entering unexplored terrain. The volcanic activity causes large parts of Askaj III to be shrouded in fog or low clouds, for much of the extremely hot output of the volcanoes is directly launched into the oceans, explaining the high humidity in most parts. Attention should also be paid to another threat when traveling these oceans: the iceberg formations. Of course, being largely submerged, they create a serious danger when caught up in one of the constant, strong currents which lead them in unexpected directions. The cavernous regions are regarded as off-limits, as the volcanic activity constantly changes the lay-out of these large underground systems.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 17x17
  • Total: 291,517,028 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 6.2100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile