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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Feenicks IV
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Feenicks IV is a planet found in the Feenicks system of the Jjannex sector. This planet is of average size and is temperate, with a breathable atmosphere. This planet has large amounts of water, consisting of one major continent and one major ocean, the Aneima ocean. This ocean covers about half the planet's surface and has two large offshore islands, one which is almost entirely volcanic and another which consists of nice grassy plains as well as thick, tangled jungle.

In the north is a small ice cap. The south is significantly warmer due to the planet's 30-degree axial tilt. However, as the planet rotates, the south becomes colder and the north warmer. The interesting thing is that this planet has a day cycle of about three thousand years. Currently, the dark side of the planet is the one that is covered by the ocean. Due to the unique way that the sun shines its light on this planet, only a small portion of the planet is consumed in darkness at one time, but this time period lasts over a thousand years.

In the oceans are many types of fish. These fish have evolved to be able to survive both with light and in complete darkness in order to compensate for the irregular night/day schedule. In the depths of the ocean, it is believed, rests a large capital ship, crashed down from space many years ago. Rumor has it that it was part of the Katana fleet, however, no one has been able to dive that deep into the ocean, even with modern technology. Fish guard the ocean like it is a highly secret military installation. The fish are incredibly hostile towards any creature they do not recognize. They are also incredibly large, some dwarfing the X-Wing, and have massive teeth, on average. It was rumored that these fish are extremely aggressive due to some military experiments that went wrong.

The jungles and the forest are astoundingly barren of life. They almost exclusively feature just one type of tree, the D’anaj tree, measuring 10-20 meters high. These trees grow so close together that it is almost impossible to navigate through a jungle. The entire jungle seems to be one entity as a whole. It is not believed to hold any indigenous wildlife.

The desert is a large one which used to contain surprisingly, enough, imported sarlaacs, which seemed to have been introduced there over a thousand years ago in order to combat a growing infestation of Y’aldak rats. The sarlaacs were so effective that they made the entire population of Y’aldak rats extinct, as well as killing off most of the other life in the desert. As a result, the sarlaacs themselves soon died off, void of food. The pits remain to this day and serve as a very nice shelter from the cold desert nights.

The island in the southwest of the planet is pretty simplistic. It has a similar jungle as the one on the mainland and is near several grassy plains. On the plains, there is not much aside from your average imported animals. These creatures are typical to those found on most habitable planets, just normal herbivores and a few simple carnivores.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 15x15
  • Total: 245,725,272 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 5.3300%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile