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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Hoth
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The planet Hoth, located in the system of its same name and found in the Javin sector, is infamous for its cold temperatures. On average during the day, it can drop to negative 30 degrees (Celsius) but during the night it can drop as much as thirty degrees lower. With temperatures so fierce, it is amazing that any life could survive here, however it does.

All around the planet are many tauntauns. These creatures eat the fungus that can be found beneath the layers of snow. Tauntauns also group together and sleep to protect themselves from the cold. Often living in ice caves are the ever-hungry wampas. They capture their victim, usually a tauntaun, and hang it up to season the meat and preserve their food as it could be a long time before they are able to eat again.

In the west, there is a small outpost that was used by smugglers in the past. Unfortunately, it was abandoned as a result of attacking wampas. These wampas were able to kill almost all the inhabitants and now the facility lies derelict. These wampas are incredibly dangerous and are superb killers.

  • Type: Cold/breathable
  • Size: 17x17
  • Total: 802,212,741 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 8.4700%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile