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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Ossus
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Ossus is a lush planet of wild grasslands, pristine jungles, and tranquil blue oceans with a stable tropical climate year-round. Ossus has two large continents and several large volcanic islands on the surface. Ossus and its two forest moons possess strong connections to the Force and are ideal settings for Force-sensitives to better understand the connections between all living organisms.

The varied biomes across the planet teem with life and support a vast array of diverse creatures. Ossus is home to dense dbergo jungles and kingwood forests. Native species include adegan eels, kirruks, and native vornskrs which thrive within the dbergo jungles. The volcanic soil is rich with minerals and provides extremely fertile ground. The native ohia lehua thrive on the barren lava beds of Ossus, with the red flora blooming from the once molten terrain. The vornskrs of Ossus are commonly believed to be faster, larger, and overall more dangerous to Jedi and Sith than those in other parts of the galaxy.

Long before the fall of the Galactic Republic, Jedi and Sith alike discovered Ossus’ connection to the Living Force. The exact reason for that connection remains unknown. Scholars believe Ossus to be home to the earliest Jedi temples and once housed the Great Library. Throughout years of conflict, the Great Library and its contents have been lost. However, the Force continues to thrive within all living organisms on Ossus. Jedi have sought to restore the knowledge once known to their predecessors to establish harmony, while the Sith have aspired to master the powers of the dark side of the Force.

Jedi Knights have made pilgrimages to Ossus to master lightsaber combat Form VII, the Way of the Vornskr. Through combat with native vornskrs, Jedi Knights have learned to master their anger and control their emotions to allow effective use of a deadly form. Its instruction and use is carefully monitored, as Jedi have fallen to the dark side while attempting to master this form.

Recognizing the planet's significance with the Force, the Jedi Order long maintained a conspicuous presence on Ossus, constructing numerous temples across the surface of the planet. However, following the fall of the New Republic in Year 21, the Jedi abandoned the planet as an indefensible liability in the face of Imperial Union-aligned forces.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 15x15
  • Total: 2,397,546,878 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 21.2500%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile