Children of Turul
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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Thebeon

Sector: Daupherm States

Coordinates: (-38, -66)

Suns: 1

Planets: 8

Stations: 43

Population: 2,333,543,953

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Thebeon 8 Thebeon 8 0, 1 Temperate/breathable 10x10 43,414,418 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 7 Thebeon 7 0, 5 Gas Giant 17x17 6,761,431 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 5 Thebeon 5 6, 5 Cold/toxic Atmosphere 12x12 77,949,284 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 2 Thebeon 2 8, 12 Temperate/breathable 9x9 83,516,324 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 1 Thebeon 1 9, 8 Hot/toxic Atmosphere 12x12 59,800,304 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon Sun Thebeon Sun 9, 9 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Thebeon 4 Thebeon 4 14, 6 Cold/no Atmosphere 7x7 1,243,530 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 3 Thebeon 3 14, 13 Hot/breathable 8x8 578,494,188 Galactic Empire -
Thebeon 6 Thebeon 6 16, 16 Gas Giant 20x20 1,482,364,474 Galactic Empire -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 0) 0, 0 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 10) 0, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 19) 0, 19 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 2) 0, 2 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 4) 0, 4 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (0, 6) 0, 6 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (1, 1) 1, 1 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (1, 5) 1, 5 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (5, 5) 5, 5 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (6, 4) 6, 4 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (6, 6) 6, 6 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (7, 5) 7, 5 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (8, 8) 8, 8 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon (9, 7) 9, 7 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 1 Garrison Bravo 10, 8 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 2 Garrison Delta 7, 12 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 2 Garrison Alpha 8, 11 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 2 Garrison Bravo 9, 12 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 2 Garrison Charlie 8, 13 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 3 Garrison Delta 13, 14 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 3 Garrison Alpha 13, 12 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 3 Garrison Bravo 15, 12 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 3 Garrison Charlie 15, 14 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 4 Garrison Alpha 14, 5 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 4 Garrison Bravo 15, 6 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 4 Garrison Charlie 14, 7 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 4 Garrison Delta 13, 6 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 6 Garrison Alpha 16, 15 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 6 Garrison Bravo 17, 16 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 6 Garrison Charlie 16, 17 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon 6 Garrison Delta 15, 16 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon Garrison East 19, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon Garrison North 10, 0 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon Garrison Northeast 19, 0 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon Garrison South 10, 19 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon Garrison Southeast 19, 19 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Thebeon RS Garrison 10-10 10, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Shipyard IV [IM] Big Brother 16, 16 Shipyard IV Imperial Munitions
Shipyard IV [IM] Big Builder 14, 13 Shipyard IV Imperial Munitions
X7 Factory Station [IM] Big Red 14, 14 X7 Factory Station Imperial Munitions
R&D IV [IM] Shoulders of Giants 8, 2 R&D IV Imperial Munitions
X7 Factory Station [IM] Sky Eye 14, 12 X7 Factory Station Imperial Munitions
Depot Station IV [IM] Thebeon Production Depot 15, 13 Depot Station IV Imperial Munitions
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Thebeon to Abregado Hyperlane 238 Data Blocks 5.8% Public
Thebeon to Corulus Hyperlane 183 Data Blocks 2.2% Public
Thebeon to Hosnian Hyperlane 59 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Thebeon to Giju Hyperlane 16 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Thebeon to Corellia Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Thebeon to Cortina Hyperlane 5 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Thebeon to Daupherm Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Thebeon to Dentaal Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public