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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Ast Kikorie

Sector: Moddell

Coordinates: (-201, -253)

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

Planets: 2

Stations: 26

Population: 7,988,140,674

Controlled By: Trade Federation

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Ast Kikorie II Ast Kikorie II 1, 3 Gas Giant 20x20 7,970,526,540 Trade Federation -
Ast Kikorie Ast Kikorie 8, 10 Temperate/breathable 8x8 10,283,917 Trade Federation -
Ast Kikorie Moon Ast Kikorie Moon 9, 9 Moon 2x2 7,330,217 Trade Federation -
Ast Kikorie Sun Ast Kikorie Sun 12, 19 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 00-02 0, 2 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 00-03 0, 3 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 00-04 0, 4 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 01-02 1, 2 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 01-03 1, 3 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 01-04 1, 4 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 01-10 1, 10 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 01-18 1, 18 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 02-02 2, 2 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 02-03 2, 3 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 02-04 2, 4 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 07-09 7, 9 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 07-10 7, 10 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 07-11 7, 11 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 08-09 8, 9 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 08-11 8, 11 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 09-09 9, 9 Golan II Trade Federation
Ataturk-class Station TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 09-10 9, 10 Ataturk-class Station Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 09-11 9, 11 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 10-01 10, 1 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 10-18 10, 18 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 18-01 18, 1 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 18-10 18, 10 Golan II Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Ast Kikorie Defense Station 18-18 18, 18 Golan II Trade Federation
Depot Station IV TFSS Ast Kikorie Depot 8, 10 Depot Station IV Trade Federation
Golan II TFSS Golan II 7, 8 Golan II Trade Federation
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Ast Kikorie to Endor Hyperlane 44 Data Blocks 1.5% Public
Ast Kikorie to Dallenor Hyperlane 84 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Ast Kikorie to Sanyassa Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Ast Kikorie to Vex Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Ast Kikorie to Vasha Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Ast Kikorie to Fornow Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Ast Kikorie to Annaj Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Ast Kikorie to Kuna`s Eye Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Ast Kikorie to Maya Kovel Hyperlane 10 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Ast Kikorie to Kuna`s Tail Hyperlane 7 Data Blocks 0.2% Public