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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Phinel's Folly

Sector: Auril

Coordinates: (322, 224)

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

Stations: 35

Population: 1,273,543

Controlled By: Tresario Star Kingdom

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map

The story of Phinel's Folly is that of a Corellian gun runner named Phinel. During a routine inspection by Tresarian customs agents, Phinel was intercepted while landing on a small rocky moon in the Auril Sector. The agents inspected his YV-666, and found that it was carrying hundreds of crates of illegal Nighstinger blaster rifles. To buy his freedom, Phinel made a deal with the customs agents, promising to continue setting-up the deal with the buyer, so his accomplices could be searched as well and the credits confiscated. But Phinel's greed got the better of him, and he attempted to betray his bargain with the authorities. The agents, sensing a deception, had placed a hidden tracking device on Phinel's YV, and the smuggler's plot was thwarted on the moon, which became known as "Phinel's Folly" ever after.

The moon itself is small, leading to a debate over the proper categorization: moon, dwarf planet, or asteroid. Some believe it is a large comet that was captured by the star sometime in the distant past. With no space stations in orbit around it, the moon's surface has been highly developed. Trading posts, warehouses, fuel depots, a starport, air reclamation centers, and even some small factories dot the surface, with housing facilities filling the land in between.

Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Phinell Phinell 12, 11 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Phinel's Folly Phinel's Folly 15, 6 Moon 2x2 1,273,543 Tresario Star Kingdom -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Shipyard I Auckland 12, 1 Shipyard I Ruru Emily
Shipyard I Christchurch 11, 1 Shipyard I Ruru Emily
Shipyard I Dragon's Lair 0, 2 Shipyard I Tal Collan
Shipyard II Dragon's Nest 5, 10 Shipyard II Tal Collan
Trading II Io Toda Memorial Station 2, 11 Trading II Michael MaCleod
Trading II John Green #2 16, 17 Trading II Garharh Brin
Shipyard I Neres Warjan #1 16, 16 Shipyard I Neres Warjan
Shipyard II Pakoukou's Forge 6, 10 Shipyard II Billys Bob
Shipyard I PPD Bleyz's Lair 8, 7 Shipyard I Filithell Arborin
Luxury Space Colony PPD Borineska 8, 8 Luxury Space Colony Filithell Arborin
Shipyard I PPD Kata's Den 4, 11 Shipyard I Filithell Arborin
Shipyard III Premium Paint & Design Shop 7, 7 Shipyard III Filithell Arborin
Shipyard I RSS Kingsville 15, 17 Shipyard I Alto Rexar
Trading I Ruru's Hideout 11, 0 Trading I Ruru Emily
Luxury Space Colony TSK Raffle 15, 16 Luxury Space Colony Tresario Star Kingdom
Shipyard II TSK Raffle 4, 10 Shipyard II Tresario Star Kingdom
Shipyard II TSK Raffle 4, 12 Shipyard II Tresario Star Kingdom
Shipyard I TSK Shipyard 6, 11 Shipyard I Dek Sulare
Shipyard II TSK Shipyard II 6, 12 Shipyard II Ruru Emily
Shipyard III TSK Shipyard III 5, 11 Shipyard III Steve Sphinx
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 0 0 0, 0 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 0 10 0, 10 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 0 19 0, 19 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 0 9 0, 9 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 10 0 10, 0 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 10 19 10, 19 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 19 0 19, 0 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 19 10 19, 10 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 19 19 19, 19 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 19 9 19, 9 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 9 0 9, 0 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Golan II TSS Phinel's Folly Defense Grid 9 19 9, 19 Golan II Tresario Star Kingdom
Shipyard I Wellington 10, 1 Shipyard I Ruru Emily
Shipyard I XPS Production Station 1 4, 4 Shipyard I Xias
Shipyard II XPS Production Station 2 5, 12 Shipyard II Xias
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Phinel's Folly to Forscan Hyperlane 90 Data Blocks 2.1% Public
Phinel's Folly to Boonta Hyperlane 120 Data Blocks 2% Public
Phinel's Folly to Repea Hyperlane 47 Data Blocks 1.2% Public
Phinel's Folly to New Holstice Hyperlane 52 Data Blocks 1.1% Public
Phinel's Folly to Ossus Hyperlane 43 Data Blocks 1.1% Public
Phinel's Folly to Bryx Hyperlane 31 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Phinel's Folly to Abhean Hyperlane 28 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Phinel's Folly to Besh Gorgon Hyperlane 23 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Phinel's Folly to Centares Hyperlane 27 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Phinel's Folly to Bak`rofsen Hyperlane 16 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Phinel's Folly to Dravione Hyperlane 22 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Phinel's Folly to Chad Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Phinel's Folly to Auril Hyperlane 9 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Phinel's Folly to Anzat Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Phinel's Folly to Cron Drift Hyperlane 9 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Phinel's Folly to Weyetta Hyperlane 5 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Phinel's Folly to Zchtek Hyperlane 4 Data Blocks 0.1% Public