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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Endor Gate

Sector: Moddell

Coordinates: (-200, -255)

Planets: 1

Stations: 13

Population: 0

Controlled By: None

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Endor Gate Endor Gate - Black Hole 30x30 0 - -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #10 8, 3 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #11 6, 3 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #12 3, 4 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #13 2, 6 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #2 2, 9 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #3 3, 12 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #4 6, 13 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #5 8, 13 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #6 11, 12 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #7 12, 9 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #8 11, 4 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Space Colony I TFSS Endor's Gate #9 12, 7 Space Colony I Trade Federation: Holdings
Relay Station [GTEC] Ender's Gate Relay 12, 13 Relay Station Dukha Industrial
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Endor Gate to Sanyassa Hyperlane 224 Data Blocks 7.7% Public
Endor Gate to Endor Hyperlane 162 Data Blocks 6.2% Public
Endor Gate to Vasha Hyperlane 43 Data Blocks 1% Public
Endor Gate to Cattamascar Hyperlane 23 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Endor Gate to Ovise Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Endor Gate to Trindello Hyperlane 13 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Endor Gate to Maya Kovel Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Endor Gate to Jakku Hyperlane 13 Data Blocks 0.2% Public