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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Condular

Sector: Emmo

Coordinates: (55, -55)

Suns: 1

Planets: 3

Stations: 11

Population: 264,675,508

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Condular I Condular I 2, 14 Cold/no Atmosphere 13x13 156,764,480 Galactic Empire -
Condular Sun Condular Sun 5, 18 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Condular Condular 8, 10 Temperate/breathable 11x11 6,174,938 Galactic Empire -
Condular III Condular III 18, 10 Cold/no Atmosphere 8x8 101,736,090 Galactic Empire -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Golan II Condular Defence 18,11 18, 11 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Condular Defence 18,19 18, 9 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Condular Defence 2,13 2, 13 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Condular Defence 2,15 2, 15 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Condular Defence 8,11 8, 11 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Condular Defence 8,9 8, 9 Golan II Galactic Empire
R&D IV Condular I Outpost 2, 14 R&D IV Galactic Empire
R&D IV Condular Outpost 8, 10 R&D IV Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Condular RS Garrison 10-10 10, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Depot Station IV Depot 4 18.10 Cond III 18, 10 Depot Station IV Galactic Empire
Trading II VEC build 8, 7 Trading II Galactic Empire
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Condular to Derra Hyperlane 24 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Condular to Chasin Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Condular to Gandeal Hyperlane 3 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Condular to Hemei Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public
Condular to Kobaria Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public