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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Gama

Sector: Emmo

Coordinates: (20, -39)

Suns: 1

Asteroid Fields: 1

Planets: 2

Stations: 4

Population: 3,727,428

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Gama II Gama II 6, 6 Gas Giant 18x18 1,243,530 Galactic Empire -
Gama Asteroid Belt Gama Asteroid Belt 10, 14 Asteroid Field 1x1 3,092 Galactic Empire -
Gama Sun Gama Sun 11, 17 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Gama Gama 12, 11 Hot/breathable 8x8 2,480,806 Galactic Empire -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Golan II Gama SW Golan II 11, 12 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] CAP X 12, 11 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] CAP XI 13, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Trading II [GE] Trading II Omega 11, 10 Trading II Galactic Empire
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Gama to Polith Hyperlane 54 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Gama to Kether Hyperlane 49 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Gama to Chagri Hyperlane 54 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Gama to Mennaalii Hyperlane 20 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Gama to Kailor Hyperlane 4 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Gama to Kobaria Hyperlane 1 Data Blocks 0% Public
Gama to Danteel Hyperlane 1 Data Blocks 0% Public