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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Nentan

Sector: Glythe

Coordinates: (-50, 195)

Suns: 1

Planets: 3

Stations: 28

Population: 950,898,895

Controlled By: Centrepoint Space Station

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map

The Nentan system lies within the Glythe sector, in the Mid Rim close to the Unknown Regions. The sector plays host to a Centrepoint base.

The Nentan system in itself is home to four celestial bodies when including the system’s sun. Each of the planets is unique and has its own defining characteristics. The planets in the system all share a very high-speed orbit when compared to most other systems. This high-speed orbit is crucial to both the survival and the prosperity of the system.

The orbital velocity also enables one of the most unique sights in the galaxy. There are two planets in the system that have an almost identical orbit. For a short period out of the year, these two planets pass so close that the atmospheres literally brush up against one another causing spectacular electrical storms. If it would not be for the high-speed orbit, the gravity that each of these planets exerts on one another would cause them to collide.

The system's close proximity to the Unknown Regions is a double-edged sword. The vast unknown gives the system untapped potential, the undiscovered systems could contain the galaxy’s wealthiest planets. The neighboring regions could also cause Nentan to be the gateway to the largest period of exploration and commerce that the galaxy has ever known.

However, on the other hand, this proximity to the unknown regions also has multiple and quite often severe downfalls. This proximity to uncharted and ungoverned space makes it a prime selection for piracy. This same aspect quite often leads to many people who are running from the empire, the rebellion, or both to attempt to hide out here. Theses aspects quite often lead to a lack of interest in the system, as many people are not willing to take the risks of a settlement in this area. The neighboring systems being so mysterious also leads to a lack of willingness to settle for fear of invasion. The regions that remain unexplored could be home to a highly advanced and overly aggressive race.

The system is currently home to a relatively large tourism industry with a permanent population of almost a billion beings. The system is also home to a large scientific community that is dedicated to the exploration of this system as well as the neighboring regions. The scientific community is diverse and numbered at millions of individuals.

Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Nentan Nentan 2, 6 Temperate/breathable 10x10 226,872,786 Centrepoint Space Station -
Gorpithorn Gorpithorn 8, 8 Hot/toxic Atmosphere 12x12 560,113,812 - -
Nentan I Nentan I 10, 8 Temperate/breathable 10x10 163,912,297 Centrepoint Space Station -
Nentan Sun Nentan Sun 17, 9 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Calla's Crib SW Medical 1, 18 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint Space Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint NW Medical 1, 1 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint Space Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint SW Medical 18, 1 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard I Centrepoint SY I-01 11, 8 Shipyard I Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard I Centrepoint SY I-02 3, 6 Shipyard I Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard II Centrepoint SY II-01 3, 5 Shipyard II Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard II Centrepoint SY II-02 2, 5 Shipyard II Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard II Centrepoint SY II-03 2, 7 Shipyard II Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard II Centrepoint SY II-04 11, 9 Shipyard II Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard II Centrepoint SY II-05 11, 7 Shipyard II Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard IV Centrepoint SY IV-01 10, 7 Shipyard IV Centrepoint Space Station
Ataturk-class Station Cythera 8, 8 Ataturk-class Station Cyphor Axis
R&D III Gae 9, 9 R&D III Cyphor Axis
Shipyard II Hephaestus 3, 7 Shipyard II Kivan Hamner
Trading II Hesiod 7, 9 Trading II Cyphor Axis
Shipyard III Leonidas 9, 7 Shipyard III Cyphor Axis
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Merci SE Medical 18, 18 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Centrepoint Space Station
Shipyard I Odysseus 8, 7 Shipyard I Cyphor Axis
Trading I Oricos 8, 9 Trading I Cyphor Axis
Shipyard III Pandora 7, 7 Shipyard III Cyphor Axis
Shipyard I Perinthus 7, 8 Shipyard I Cyphor Axis
Platform XQ1 Recon East Platform 18, 10 Platform XQ1 Cyphor Axis
Platform XQ1 Recon North Platform 10, 1 Platform XQ1 Cyphor Axis
Platform XQ1 Recon South Platform 10, 18 Platform XQ1 Cyphor Axis
Platform XQ1 Recon West Platform 1, 10 Platform XQ1 Cyphor Axis
Shipyard I Socrates 9, 8 Shipyard I Cyphor Axis
Trading II Trading Station II - Medical #1 2, 6 Trading II Centrepoint Space Station
Trading II Trading Station II - Medical #2 10, 8 Trading II Centrepoint Space Station
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Nentan to Vortex Hyperlane 200 Data Blocks 5.1% Public
Nentan to Bright Jewel Hyperlane 214 Data Blocks 4% Public
Nentan to Aleen Hyperlane 138 Data Blocks 2.5% Public
Nentan to Iridonia Hyperlane 102 Data Blocks 2.2% Public
Nentan to Dorin Hyperlane 105 Data Blocks 2% Public
Nentan to Brodo Asogi Hyperlane 93 Data Blocks 1.2% Public
Nentan to Humbarine Hyperlane 90 Data Blocks 1.1% Public
Nentan to Cantras Gola Hyperlane 78 Data Blocks 1% Public
Nentan to Chagri Hyperlane 59 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Nentan to Denhui Hyperlane 52 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Nentan to Morath Nebula Hyperlane 57 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Nentan to Ord Cantrell Hyperlane 38 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Nentan to Pa`hir`al Hyperlane 32 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Nentan to Devon Hyperlane 35 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Nentan to Carlac Hyperlane 31 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Nentan to Vasuuli Hyperlane 24 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Nentan to Thoadeye Hyperlane 37 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Nentan to Marasa Hyperlane 37 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Nentan to O`pahz Hyperlane 18 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Seltaine Hyperlane 18 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Urce Hyperlane 17 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Kuar Hyperlane 26 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Muunilinst Hyperlane 25 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Coth Fuuras Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Nentan to Horuz Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Nentan to Kroctar Hyperlane 19 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Nentan to Mondress Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Nentan to Uviuy Exen Hyperlane 4 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Nentan to Qiilura Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public