Sector: Churnis
Coordinates: (-108, 215)
Suns: 1
Planets: 4
Stations: 19
Population: 3,831,584,026
Controlled By: Galactic Bank
Space Combat: PvE
Ground Combat: PvE
Malari, a hidden system of planets untouched since the native population died out following a viral outbreak that eventually decimated the population of at least three other systems.
Millennia have passed, however, since that outbreak, and no sign remains of their largely agrarian lives. What does remain however are the discarded remnants of a pirate league that once threatened the galaxy's stability. Chosen by Malebranche as their hidden strike base in the Mid Rim, Malari was abandoned after Malebranche's suicide, and the coordinates were released to the public.
People come today to gawk at the ruins of what once was, and to pick up their newly-purchased ships that still hold the soul of Malebranche in their corridors.
Two dead cultures, one of farmers, the other of pirates, but both haunt this system.
Image | Name | Position | Type | Size | Population | Controlled By | Homeworld | Travel Planner |
Malari | 0, 12 | Temperate/breathable | 12x12 | 3,323,307,284 | Galactic Bank | - | ||
Malari II | 4, 8 | Cold/toxic Atmosphere | 10x10 | 107,767,258 | Galactic Bank | - | ||
Malari Sun | 5, 5 | Sun | 30x30 | 0 | - | - | ||
Malari IV | 6, 14 | Cold/toxic Atmosphere | 8x8 | 68,557,682 | Galactic Bank | - | ||
Malari I | 7, 5 | Temperate/breathable | 5x5 | 331,951,802 | Galactic Bank | - |
Name | Collected Data | Speed Modifier | Owner |
Malari to Ansion Hyperlane | 1439 Data Blocks | 29.2% | Public |
Malari to Gekto Hyperlane | 213 Data Blocks | 2.9% | Public |
Malari to Glee Anselm Hyperlane | 46 Data Blocks | 1% | Public |
Malari to Dousc Hyperlane | 58 Data Blocks | 0.8% | Public |
Malari to Tepasi Hyperlane | 54 Data Blocks | 0.7% | Public |
Malari to Dorin Hyperlane | 33 Data Blocks | 0.6% | Public |
Malari to Voon Hyperlane | 39 Data Blocks | 0.5% | Public |
Malari to Bilbringi Hyperlane | 15 Data Blocks | 0.3% | Public |
Malari to Brodo Asogi Hyperlane | 17 Data Blocks | 0.2% | Public |
Malari to Iridonia Hyperlane | 7 Data Blocks | 0.1% | Public |
Malari to Mondress Hyperlane | 5 Data Blocks | 0.1% | Public |