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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Zamael

Sector: Sector 5

Coordinates: (-30, -25)

Suns: 1

Planets: 2

Stations: 48

Population: 5,613,171

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Zamael II Zamael II 5, 6 Gas Giant 16x16 1,560,876 Galactic Empire -
Zamael Zamael 10, 8 Temperate/breathable 10x10 4,052,295 Galactic Empire -
Zamael Sun Zamael Sun 15, 11 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Depot Station IV Zam Depot 10, 7 Depot Station IV Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard IV Zam RAD-RY Alpha 9, 8 Shipyard IV Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard IV Zam RAD-RY Beta 11, 8 Shipyard IV Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Chi 13, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard III Zam RAD-RY Delta 10, 11 Shipyard III Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard III Zam RAD-RY Epsilon 11, 10 Shipyard III Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard III Zam RAD-RY Eta 12, 11 Shipyard III Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard IV Zam RAD-RY Gamma 11, 11 Shipyard IV Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard II Zam RAD-RY Iota 12, 10 Shipyard II Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Kappa 9, 7 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Lambda 11, 7 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Mu 9, 12 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Nu 9, 13 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Omega 10, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Omicron 14, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Phi 13, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Psi 11, 9 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Rho 9, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Sigma 11, 13 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Tau 12, 12 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard II Zam RAD-RY Theta 10, 12 Shipyard II Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Upsilon 13, 12 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard I Zam RAD-RY Xi 12, 13 Shipyard I Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Shipyard III Zam RAD-RY Zeta 11, 12 Shipyard III Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior
Ataturk-class Station Zamael LRY Defender 3 13, 13 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Zamael LRY Defender 6 14, 12 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G01 10, 14 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G02 12, 14 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G03 14, 13 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G05 14, 9 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G06 12, 9 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G07 10, 8 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G09 8, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Zamael LRY Defender G10 8, 12 Golan II Galactic Empire
R&D IV Zamael Research Station 9, 9 R&D IV Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Zamael SRY Defender 4 13, 9 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station Zamael SRY Defender 5 14, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 1, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 1, 18 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 10, 1 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 10, 18 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 18, 1 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 18, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] I love ten 18, 18 Golan II Galactic Empire
Medical Factory Station [GE] [IRM] Primus Central 10, 9 Medical Factory Station Galactic Empire
Golan II [GE] [Kuat] Orbital Defense Station #1 1, 1 Golan II Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station [GE] [S5] Zamael Perimeter Security Station Alfa 9, 10 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Ataturk-class Station [GE] [S5] Zamael Perimeter Security Station Beta 10, 13 Ataturk-class Station Galactic Empire
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Zamael to Constancia Hyperlane 643 Data Blocks 16.8% Public
Zamael to Abregado Hyperlane 541 Data Blocks 9.5% Public
Zamael to Kalist Hyperlane 211 Data Blocks 6.3% Public
Zamael to Hakassi Hyperlane 46 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Zamael to Corellia Hyperlane 36 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Zamael to Crystan Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Zamael to Lujo Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Zamael to Thomork Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.2% Public