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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Basan

Sector: Churba

Coordinates: (190, -158)

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

Planets: 2

Stations: 20

Population: 12,625,303

Controlled By: Centrepoint Space Station

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map

The Basan system contains very large amounts of plant and animal life on its two temperate planets. These planets have nearly every type of ecosystem found in the galaxy, so they support a large and diverse community of organisms. The moon of Basan is quite uninhabitable by all known lifeforms. Although the resources found in this system are quite valuable and diverse.

The history of this system is very limited. The Old Republic first found it during one of their galactic surveys. The records for the system were lost when the ship that scanned it lost hyperdrive control and was hurled into the sun. It was another 150 years before the system was discovered again by an Imperial probe droid searching for hidden Rebel Alliance bases.

Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Basan I Basan I 8, 9 Hot/breathable 14x14 5,790,557 Centrepoint Space Station -
Basan Sun Basan Sun 10, 7 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Basan Companion Basan Companion 11, 14 Moon 2x2 631,852 Centrepoint Space Station -
Basan Basan 12, 13 Temperate/breathable 10x10 6,202,894 Centrepoint Space Station -
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Basan to Secundus Ando Hyperlane 88 Data Blocks 1.6% Public
Basan to Sanza Hyperlane 72 Data Blocks 1.5% Public
Basan to Tynnani Hyperlane 60 Data Blocks 1% Public
Basan to Polith Hyperlane 70 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Basan to Tyrius Hyperlane 49 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Basan to Azurbani Hyperlane 54 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Basan to Tatoo Hyperlane 32 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Basan to Notak Hyperlane 23 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Basan to Mennaalii Hyperlane 36 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Basan to Pria Hyperlane 38 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Basan to Artesia Hyperlane 30 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Basan to Queel Hyperlane 18 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Basan to Vaxal Hyperlane 29 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Basan to Dressel Hyperlane 16 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Basan to Y`Toub Hyperlane 24 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Basan to Dairka Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Basan to Churba Hyperlane 7 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Basan to Issor Hyperlane 16 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Basan to Malastare Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Basan to Koiogra Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Basan to Ando Hyperlane 3 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Basan to Lelmra Hyperlane 5 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Basan to Lorahns Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public
Basan to Falleen Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public
Basan to Doldur Hyperlane 2 Data Blocks 0% Public