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Horizon-class Star Yacht (Light Freighters)

Introduced by SoroSuub in Year 4 CGT, the Horizon-class Star Yacht quickly became a crowning achievement in starship design. Tasked with diversifying the PLY product line, the Sullustan shipwrights of "Project New Horizons" incorporated successful design elements into a completely original configuration that was critically acclaimed as an engineering marvel. Manufactured in very small quantities for market trials, the Horizon-class became a sensation after being prominently featured in the holovid series "Girongo the Hutt", which followed the half-fictional exploits of the outlaw celebrity and his crew. Even today, many people still believe that Girongo designed the Horizon himself. While the future seemed bright for this innovative luxury model, the Horizon-class was discontinued when SoroSuub was folded into Incom. However, following the New Republic's demise in Year 21, a number of Horizon-class datacards began to circulate on the industrial market.

One departure from the standard PLY design was to include a starfighter-style cockpit in place of the more traditional bridge seen on other yachts. With room for only a pilot, a co-pilot, and a navigator, the Horizon is designed to be run by a small crew, giving a more hands-on feel when piloting the ship. The Horizon is more heavily armed than previous yacht models, with twin heavy lasers flanking the cockpit. It is also fitted with a ventral tractor beam to aid in loading and unloading the ship's docking bay. Its inner, strut-mounted pods house the twin ion engines that propel the ship during sublight travel, and its outer, wing-mounted pods house suites of advanced sensors, giving the ship a remarkable detection range. The interior of the ship is lavishly decorated with hardwood floors and stonework features. Typically, the Horizon's fixtures are adorned with precious metals.

With a unique combination of luxury and practicality, the Horizon is usually preferred by those looking to travel swiftly and in style. While not particularly suited to any one purpose, the Horizon's speed, weaponry, and docking capabilities make it highly adaptable. For this reason, the Horizon is able to fulfil a variety of roles, making it the ideal home away from home for wealthy sentients across the galaxy.

Raw Materials
  • Quantum: 41
  • Meleenium: 403
  • Ardanium: 57
  • Rudic: 160
  • Rockivory: 54
  • Tibannagas: 11
  • Varmigio: 250
  • Lommite: 24
  • Durelium: 83
  • No affiliations
  • Hyperspeed: 6
  • Sublight Speed: 55 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 550 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 4
  • Weight: 420 T
  • Volume: 3,620 m³
  • Length: 55 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
Cargo Capacity
  • Weight Cap: 100 T
  • Volume Cap: 280 m³
  • Max Passengers: 9
Combat Role
  • Auxiliary
  • Heavy Laser: 2
  • Tractor Beams: 1
  • Hull: 140
  • Deflectors: 75
  • Ionic Capacity: 110
  • Armour: 30
  • Sensors: 9
  • ECM: 0
  • Raw Value: 367,677 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 11
  • Recycling XP: 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 75
Docking Bay Hangar Bay Storage Room Escape Pods: 1 Landing Capacity Repulsor
Related Skills
  • Fighter/Freighter Piloting
  • Fighter/Freighter Combat
  • Space Command

Floor: 2

Floor: 2
Room DoorDoorDown
Room Cockpit Overlay Door
Room Door

Floor: 1

Floor: 1
Room DownDoorUpDoorDoorDoor
Room Hangar Bay Overlay DoorDoor
Room Door
Room Storage Room Overlay DoorDoor
Room Entrance/Exit Overlay DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room Door
Room Door
Room Door
Room Door
Room Door
Room Door

Floor: Base

Floor: Base
Room Door
Room Storage Room Overlay DoorDoorUp
Room Docking Bay Overlay Door