A solid looking vessel, the DX-9 dropship was in use before the formation of the Galactic Empire and continues even today. Originally created to ferry small groups of personnel to and from the ground under fire, it’s equipped with heavy laser, Ion cannons, and proton torpedos to ward off enemy forces and ensure safe passage for itself clear to the drop zone. Able to carry thirty-three passengers and crew, it’s durable enough to take a beating and still get its passengers down in one piece.
The DX-9 is a common sight in the landing docks of the more budget minded military and mercenary outfits despite its age. The sheer scale of production in its heyday means that the ships is still readily available on secondary markets and prices are affordable for even modest militaries or security forces. This has made it so ubiquitous that many refer to it as "the drop ship". Simple familiarity guarantees continued sales and popularity.