This small, axe-shaped vessel is one of Kuat System Engineering's entries into the crowded small personnel transport/freighter market. The ship's cockpit window protrudes slightly from the front of the hull at the top of the vertical hull section that forms the "axe blade". Two elongated, teardrop-shaped engine nacelles are mounted about halfway up this section of the hull. The elongated "haft" section of the hull mounts three small swept fins aft, one dorsal and one each on the port and starboard sides, while flattened hemispherical stabiliser sections are fitted close to the bow.
Performance-wise, the ship boasts roughly average sublight speed for a vessel of this type, although a number of manouevering thrusters provide it with decent handling at speed. Pilots who ply the busy shipping lanes in the Core worlds speak highly of the Rainhawk's handling characteristics while simultaneously complaining about its lack of any outstanding speed. The ship's designers went for a modular concept, resulting in a vessel that can be fitted to optimise either passenger or cargo transportation. Most ship owners go for a combination of both, and the Rainhawk is capable of carrying out these twin roles acceptably. The ship is only lightly armed though, and thus should only be used in relatively safe sectors of space where the odds of the pilot being accosted by pirates and other undesirables are small.