The Barloz-class medium freighter was once one of the most popular vessels to travel the space ways; the YT-1300 of its era. Its size, coupled with durability, made it an ideal craft for freelancers, cargo shippers and smugglers alike. Commonly boasted as the "no frills freighter," it fit bill and was the first choice of smugglers before the YT series.
Many of the Barloz's most popular features were passed down to the YT-series based on pilot reviews. The cockpit, for example, was designed to work with a two person crew, but can be manned by just one when needed. Able to carry up to five sentients or droids, the Barloz was designed as a great group transport and includes an underbelly which allows crew and passengers alike to hide in case of emergency. The Nova Quad-D propulsion system installed in the Barloz also inspired the drives used in today’s YT series because of its dependability. The motto for the drive was, "When you leave the port you always make it back home."
As with all Corellian-made ships, Barloz are customizable to the pilot's needs. There have been models reported with large amounts of fire power and others with newer hyperdrive units. During the height of the Barloz's popularity, there were shipbuilders that would specialize in their customization.
Today the Barloz can still be found being produced in rare quantities by some private shipbuilders. Though no longer custom made, it is said that you can feel the history that has helped to mold the more modern ships of today just by entering one.