Considered highly attractive and desirable by most humanoids, the Zeltron race possesses two special biological traits. One is that all Zeltrons can produce pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which further enhanced their attractiveness. The second trait was their empathic ability, allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others. Because of this ability, "positive" emotions such as happiness and pleasure became very important to them, while negative ones such as anger, fear, or depression were shunned. This in turn has influenced their culture, which is largely based on sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure. Most of their art and literature is devoted to the subject, bringing the galaxy the term, lustier than a barrelful of Zeltrons. Zeltrons are known throughout the galaxy as people to have fun with. Unfortunately, the Zeltrons think so too. Many a Zeltron has been known to follow other spacers and adventurers for years in a type of love-lust. On encountering a Zeltron, many spacers remark that he/she seems extremely familiar. It has been speculated that this is a side-effect of the pheromones, but no scientific proof has surfaced.