The R-41 Starchaser is an older starfighter that is still commonly used across the galaxy due to its impressive weapons load consisting of heavy lasers, concussion missile launchers, and ion cannons. These weapons make it a formidable anti-fighter and freighter unit, though it is outclassed against even small capital ships. The ion cannons make it especially valuable to fleets that would rather capture enemy ships than destroy them.
Apart from its weapons, the R-41 is nothing flashy. Four HK Model 4Yb ion fusion engines give the ship just enough speed and maneuverability to fill its role effectively. With limited armor plating and deflectors, as well as a lack of a hyperdrive unit, the Starchaser needs ample support to succeed in extended conflict.
These drawbacks only help the popularity of the ship, as despite having a weapons load that remains competitive with modern fighters, it is one of the cheapest ships to produce on the market. It most commonly sees use as an in-system defender on the outer rim or in private security forces as a support fighter for larger ships.