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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Squads: Squad Training

NPCs and Creatures of any type may be trained in entities that have a training room (NPCs) or a Taming Pit (Creatures), to a maximum of level 10.

To initiate training, you must be in a training-enabled entity (defined as having a training room or taming pit). You may then access the training interface while you are standing within the room. Each session can only train NPCs/Creatures of one type. The following conditions must be met in order to start a training session:

  • You must be within the relevant room of a training entity.
    • Training Room for NPCs
    • Taming Pit for Creatures
  • The training entity must be owned or managed by a faction type that is able to construct the entity (Only applies to stations and facilities)
  • The NPCs/Creatures in any single session must all have the same owner, but you may train any NPCs/Creatures you are normally able to add to your party

Characters can form training sessions across multiple facilities. Each session can hold the maximum party size (12 slots). The NPCs/Creatures within the same training session must all have the same owner; no training personal and faction entities in the same session.

Characters have a limit on how many concurrent training sessions they may have:

Character Limit = Infantry Command skill + 1
Training sessions do not count against a player's combat squad limit

Rooms also have a limit on how many concurrent training sessions they may have:

Training Room Limit = 2 training sessions
Taming Pit Limit = 1 training sessions

The faction managing the training entity will receive 25% of the cost. If the managing faction is training its own NPCs/Creatures, the cost is simply reduced by 25%.

NPC Training Session Cost = (60,000 + (5,000 * Number of NPCs)) * (1 - (Management Skill * 0.05))
Creature Training Session Cost = (60,000 + (5,000 * Number of used party slots)) * (1 - (Management Skill * 0.05))
By default, the character will pay training costs unless the NPCs/Creatures are owned by the character's faction and the character has the Train NPCs privilege.

At the end of a training session, each NPC/Creature in the session is awarded a set amount of experience points.

NPC XP Gain = 5,000
Creature XP Gain = 5,000

Each training session lasts for:

NPC Training Time = 14 Days
Creature Training Time = 14 Days

Training will automatically begin a new session until all NPCs/Creatures in the group reach level 10. This setting can be unchecked when starting training."

Training can be aborted simply by interacting with the room interface, the NPC/Creature inventory, or the appropriate inventory type of the training entity and aborting the training session(s). Credits are not refunded and no experience is awarded.

Training will not be completed under any of the following conditions:

  • The character who started the training session gets killed.
  • The entity in which the training is being conducted gets destroyed or is unpowered.
  • The entity in which the training is being conducted gets reassigned to an invalid commander (a faction that cannot construct the entity type).
  • Any NPC/Creature within the training session gets killed/arrested.

A character may abort training under any one of the following conditions:

  • The character started the training session.
  • The character has access to manage the NPC/Creature leading the training session through ownership, privileges, or assignment.
  • The character has access to manage the training entity through ownership, privileges, or assignment.
You can access the training overview from the NPC Control page.