Falumpasets have long, thick fetlocks protecting their lower legs, which save them from the irritating bites of aquatic creatures such as nyork. Individual hairs are thick and coarse, averaging between thirty and forty centimetres in length and one to one point five milimetres in width. Usually coloured greyish brown to match the hides of the falumpaset, these hairs are easy to bleach and absorb dyes well, leading to their use in clothing, weaving and decorating on worlds where these semi-aquatic mammals can be found. Falumpaset fetlock hair is also used in the making of fly whisks, with handfuls of hair bound tightly to short handles of japor wood. These whisks are used to keep the biting flies and other insects at are attracted to the warm bodies and pungent odours of the falumpaset. Individual hairs have surprisingly high tensile strength, and can be used to make useful cordage for use in fishing or trapping small game.