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Blurrg Spleen (Trophy)
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Blurrgs are valued as mounts and beasts of burden by those who rely on them for transportation, but that is not all they are valued for. While blurrg meat is not highly esteemed, being tough and exceptionally gamey, some of the animal's organs, especially the blurrg's spleen, have become a regional delicacy and are thought to have great medicinal value in some cultures. Like the Human spleen, the blurrg spleen regulates the creature's blood and is a large, relatively tender and mild flavoured meat compared to blurrg muscle tissue. The dishes that use the Blurrg spleen are more ceremonial in nature, which means even among the cultures that enjoy them, blurrg are not raised as livestock in large numbers. The spleen is typically prepared by broiling it with herbs and a strong alcohol such as Kiator Starfyre Cognac or Wayfinder Mandalorian Whiskey. Some cultures also dry the spleen and grind it into a fine powder, which can be mixed with alcohol to form a kind of tonic, or mixed with tabac and smoked in pipes. Those who praise the medicinal qualities of blurrg spleen derivatives claim that it can cure anything from mild headaches and pH imbalances to madness and several varieties of cancer.

Raw Materials
  • None
  • No affiliations
  • Slots: Utility #1, Utility #2
  • Weight: 1 kg
  • Volume: 0.01 m³
  • Batch: 16
  • Per Unit Value: 0 CR
  • Batch Value: 0 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 6
  • Recycling XP: 1 XP
  • Production Mod: 275