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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Economy: Bacta Creation

Alazhi can be transformed into Bacta.

Alazhi is refined into Bacta in the following facilities:

To farm the Alazhi you must satsify these conditions:

  • The owner of the Farm must be a faction.
  • The Farm must be powered.
  • If the owner is a Medical faction then there must be a Manager and an Operator (any faction or character).
    If the owner is not a Medical faction then the Manager must be a Medical faction and the Operator a member of that faction.

Please see the Mining rules for more details on how to farm Alazhi

To process the Alazhi into Bacta you must satisfy these conditions:

  • The Refinery must be powered.
  • If the owner is a Medical faction then there must be a Manager and an Operator (any faction or character).
    If the owner is not a Medical faction then the Manager must be a Medical faction and the Operator a member of that faction.
  • At least 1 Bacta Engineer NPC is present.
  • Alazhi Piles must be present within the Refinery.
Bacta Yield = (Quantity * 0.1) * [1 - 0.04 * (5 - Management) - 0.1 * (1 - Civ. Level)]

Yield is never smaller then 0 or greater than the maximum yield of 10% of the alazhi quantity.

Time = (((log2(Quantity)) * (15 - workers)) / ((Management + 5) + (Planet moral * 4) + (1 - Planet crime))) * Rand(1, 1.8) * 16

Resulting time is in hours. Once refining has started, the character is not blocked.

Cost = (Quantity * 1885) + (Quantity * 1885 * Tax) + (0.2 * Quantity * 1885 * Crime) + ((0.375 * 50000 * MAX(0, workers-1)) / (Management+1))

Credit cost is paid by the owner of the refinery, credit cost is paid at yield time.

  • Quantity: Size of Alazhi pile
  • Planet Civ. Level: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules, a value between 0 and 1.
  • Planet Tax: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules, a value between 0 and 1
  • Planet Crime: As stated in the Planetary Economy rules, a value between 0 and 1
  • Workers: Number of NPCs working at Refinery (Between 1 and 10)
  • Management: This is the operator Management skill (Between 0 and 5)