Ithor is the homeworld of the vaunted Ithorians. The planet is known across the galaxy for its lush green forests spread across its main continent, bounded by vast saltwater seas. In the seas live a wide variety of fish and large mammals.
On the main continent is a huge jungle covering most of the terrain. This is where Ithor gets much of its fame. The jungles here are like no other found in the galaxy, and are home to a plethora of wildlife, with a perfectly intact food chain.
The polar regions are made up of ice, it has a few species of plant forms scattered on them, but little actual life beyond that. The ice in these areas is in a constant state of freezing and thawing.
The Ithorian people do not live on the surface of the planet themselves. They live in floating cities in the atmosphere. These cities have somewhat a piece of Ithor on each of them, with impressive hanging gardens. Here in the floating cities, a select few can purchase transportation to the surface of the planet below. Though few ever get to accomplish this, it is well worth whatever price one needs pay.