Comra Satellite is a relatively large moon, especially when compared to the planet it orbits. It is in fact of a size sufficient to support its own atmosphere as it certainly has the required mass, however other factors make this impossible. Although the moon is in a very stable, though distant orbit around Comra, it does not have any axial rotation. This means it is tidally locked, with one side that constantly faces the planet and one that faces away. Over the millennia this has led to the moon developing an interesting egg shape to it, with the more pointed end facing the planet. At the apex of this “point”, the moon's solitary mountain range exists, and it is an imposing sight, especially as the remainder of the planet is relatively flat rocky terrain, with very few identifying features.
The moon does not have an active core or any tectonic activity and so the existence of such a distinct mountain range is a topic of considerable discussion. Some speculate that it is a result of gravitational forces that have led to the moon's egg shape, whereas others argue that this level of terrain alteration is not possible with the gravitational forces in play. The counter-argument is that the moon once had a molten core but no real geological activity. They suggest that if it did have a molten core in the distant past, the gravitational forces may have been sufficient to pull molten rock through to the surface and create the mountain range.
One thing that is certain, is that the mountain range once held deposits of various valuable gems as several mines were found, all completely depleted of anything worth extracting. Modern prospecting methods, however, revealed that the moon itself was far from depleted. It is likely linked to Drixo the Hutt's operations in the system and perhaps was a source of some of the gems she was claimed to smuggle. Arguably, if her gang was mining valuable gems, their smuggling was more akin to trading, but that is perhaps a point for elitists to debate.