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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Kothlis
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A former Bothan colony world, Kothlis is a lovely, pristine planet of glittering azure oceans, sun-drenched tropical islands, and verdant forests that orbits the system’s sun at just the right distance to have a mild and balmy climate for most of the year. The planetary administration has wisely kept development to a minimum, focusing on ecologically sound projects that have only a small impact on the global environment. Long stretches of white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, and warm, shallow seas with few large inshore predators combined with the almost year-round good weather have made Kothlis a prime destination for tourism. As the planet is connected to the Manda Merchant Route, a popular hyperspace route connecting the Bothan, Manda, and Abrion sectors, it draws millions of tourists every year, who almost always have a good time, unless they dislike the mouldy cheese smell of the air, which is caused by an aromatic fungus that grows on the native plant life.

Wildlife safaris are a significant part of Kothlis' overall tourist attraction, as the planet boasts a number of interesting species, such as the ganjuko, a large, hairy mammal with a large beak that is prized by craftsmen who use it to make expensive daggers, the serpentine millitile that lives among the branches of the endemic gankto trees, and the predatory myntor. The planet’s oceans, which cover sixty percent of the surface, have an average depth of only seventy metres, with the deepest part of the Sesseranda Ocean reaching a relatively modest four hundred metres. Marine life is tremendously varied, with a huge variety of cetaceans, fish, crustaceans, and molluscs occupying all available ecological niches. Most large predatory species are only found in temperate and colder waters over one hundred metres deep, though some small species of shark and dolphin can be found nearer the coast. Close monitoring of large terrestrial predators, including tagging and collaring with transmitter devices to track their whereabouts, and speeder-borne herding efforts by armed game wardens keep unintended tourist-wildlife interactions to a minimum as well as virtually eliminating any poaching and wildlife trafficking.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 15x15
  • Total: 961,505,640 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 963
  • Civilization: 13.2400%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile