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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Kothlis Moon II
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When viewed by telescope or ship sensor, Kothlis Moon II looks like any number of moons in the galaxy, appearing mostly barren and filled with craters, canyons, and dust. However, upon closer inspection, the moon can tell a storied past.

While Kothlis Moon II has enough atmosphere to support life and allows sentient beings to travel unaided, it does not have the geological underpinnings to sustain much of any habitat. When the original purchasers of the Kothlis system, Raynor Mining Corporation, discovered that initial mining surveys were heavily overestimated, they abandoned the system to the Bothans. The Bothans subsequently settled Kothlis and gave the moon to the Bothan Militia as a munitions testing ground. When the dust of countless proton torpedoes settled and the ground troops had moved off, the moon was left scarred with additional craters, remnants of military compounds, and a wasteland that only harboured the sturdiest of low-lying vegetation.

As many generations passed, the independence and neutrality of the Bothans began attracting the attention of those wishing to remain anonymous, firstly bringing mineral grubbers who set up small-scale mining operations on the moon. This was followed by the smugglers, pirates, and vagrants who discovered the moon, with its deep canyons and abandoned military-grade buildings, as ideal boltholes from both sensors and the probing of all political parties. Rumour has it that this has even led to the establishment of a more permanent point of operation, with some even suggesting it is the location of a shadowport. This has yet to be substantiated, and with the Bounty Hunters Guild holding its main headquarters on the moon's parent body, many think it would be a less than ideal location for any wanted criminal to be trusting in their anonymity.

  • Type: Moon
  • Size: 2x2
  • Total: 502,536 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 646
  • Civilization: 21.5400%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile