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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Cha Raaba

Sector: Hutt Space

Coordinates: (397, -20)

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

Planets: 2

Stations: 48

Population: 610,267,039

Controlled By: Eidola Pirates

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map

Cha Raaba's star is a red giant with an orange hue that tints the atmosphere of the system's few planets. Linguists have long disputed the precise meaning of the name as there are a number of different root words from which it may have been derived. As often happens in such cases, galactic scholars and native experts in the Huttese tongue have each settled on their own diverse interpretations.

The star supports a small planetary system consisting of only two worlds. Ice and debris still found in the system's outer reaches never coalesced into bodies of any size; comets and asteroids are virtually unknown. However, the inner planet, Ylesia, does have a small moon, which bears a life-sustaining atmosphere similar in composition to Ylesia's own. Nevertheless, it is that planet itself which is home to the greatest quantity of natural resources, the most hospitable atmosphere, and the largest population, and as a result, the Cha Raaba system is often known as the Ylesian system for the society centered around the tropical world.

Although occasional pirate activity on Ylesia itself that has reached the galactic news have brought visitors and settlers to the system from time to time, most of the Cha Raaba's worlds remain dominated by the local wilderness. There are few native sentient beings, and although the system has long been inhabited, little serious development has ever been undertaken due to its isolated location within Hutt Space.

Although the Hutts traditionally controlled the system, none in living memory appear to have taken much interest in it, and the pirate presence expanding throughout Hutt Space and the rest of the Outer Rim gradually pushed out contenders for system control over the years. This region of space is not heavily patrolled and open illicit activities are not uncommon within its borders. Despite this, the main industries throughout Cha Raaba are the ranching and exportation of indigenous reeks, which are popular throughout the Outer Rim for use in combat and as beasts of burden, and the extraction of natural resources to support orbital shipyards and a thriving local medical industry.

Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Nyrvona Nyrvona 3, 5 Cold/toxic Atmosphere 6x6 22,096,770 Eidola Pirates -
Cha Raaba Cha Raaba 7, 5 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Codian Moon Codian Moon 8, 7 Moon 3x3 26,708,309 Knights of the Fountain -
Ylesia Ylesia 9, 7 Temperate/breathable 8x8 561,461,960 Eidola Pirates -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Trading II Centre Point - Pozz T2 11, 9 Trading II Eidola Pirates
Zoo Station Cha Raaba Conservation Center 11, 6 Zoo Station Syn
R&D III Cha Raaba R&D 3 10, 9 R&D III Eidola Pirates
Medical Factory Station Codian Pharmaceutical Workshop 6, 7 Medical Factory Station Knights of the Fountain
Recycling III Codian Recycling Station 6, 6 Recycling III Knights of the Fountain
R&D III Codian Research Center 8, 9 R&D III Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard II Codian Shipyard II 7, 8 Shipyard II Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard III Codian Shipyard III 8, 7 Shipyard III Knights of the Fountain
X7 Factory Station Codian X7 Foundry 7, 6 X7 Factory Station Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Kintan Defense Matrix Inner Southwest 5, 13 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Kintan Defense Matrix Southeast 18, 18 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Knights Hospital Platform 6, 8 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Keep 0, 0 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Knights Tower 7, 7 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Trading I Krieg's Run Relay Station Cha Raaba 8, 8 Trading I Knights of the Fountain
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata N1E 17, 5 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata N1W 2, 5 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata NE 14, 2 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata NW 5, 2 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata S 9, 12 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata S1E 17, 13 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata S1W 2, 13 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata SE 14, 17 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Ataturk-class Station Ylesia Ata SW 5, 17 Ataturk-class Station Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Central East 11, 7 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Central North 9, 5 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Central South 9, 9 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Central West 5, 7 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix East 18, 9 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Inner Northeast 13, 5 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Inner Southeast 13, 13 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix North 9, 1 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Northeast 18, 1 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Northwest 1, 1 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix South 9, 18 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix Southwest 1, 18 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Golan II Ylesia Defense Matrix West 1, 9 Golan II Eidola Pirates
Depot Station I Ylesia Depot 10, 6 Depot Station I Eidola Pirates
X7 Factory Station Ylesia Factory N 10, 5 X7 Factory Station Eidola Pirates
X7 Factory Station Ylesia Factory NE 11, 5 X7 Factory Station Eidola Pirates
Shipyard I Ylesia SY1 N 9, 6 Shipyard I Eidola Pirates
Shipyard I Ylesia SY1 S 9, 8 Shipyard I Eidola Pirates
Shipyard I Ylesia SY1 SE 10, 8 Shipyard I Eidola Pirates
Shipyard II Ylesia SY2 E 10, 7 Shipyard II Eidola Pirates
Shipyard II Ylesia SY2 NW 8, 6 Shipyard II Eidola Pirates
Shipyard IV Ylesia SY4 East 11, 8 Shipyard IV Eidola Pirates
Shipyard IV Ylesia SY4 North 8, 5 Shipyard IV Eidola Pirates
Shipyard IV Ylesia SY4 Prime 9, 7 Shipyard IV Eidola Pirates
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Cha Raaba to Si`Klaata Cluster Hyperlane 1440 Data Blocks 17.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Usk Hyperlane 1040 Data Blocks 17.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Barab Hyperlane 376 Data Blocks 7.1% Public
Cha Raaba to Nar Kaaga Hyperlane 403 Data Blocks 6.5% Public
Cha Raaba to Toydaria Hyperlane 360 Data Blocks 5.6% Public
Cha Raaba to Nimban Hyperlane 297 Data Blocks 4.6% Public
Cha Raaba to Y`Toub Hyperlane 239 Data Blocks 3.8% Public
Cha Raaba to Moralan Hyperlane 179 Data Blocks 3% Public
Cha Raaba to Saki Hyperlane 110 Data Blocks 2% Public
Cha Raaba to Both Hyperlane 102 Data Blocks 1.4% Public
Cha Raaba to Ardos Hyperlane 68 Data Blocks 1.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Bootana Hutta Hyperlane 54 Data Blocks 1% Public
Cha Raaba to Thanos Hyperlane 72 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Cha Raaba to Lirra Hyperlane 37 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Cha Raaba to Ka`Dedus Hyperlane 65 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Cha Raaba to Dressel Hyperlane 60 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Cha Raaba to Eadu Hyperlane 36 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Cha Raaba to Lorahns Hyperlane 35 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Cha Raaba to Iotran Hyperlane 34 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Cha Raaba to Boltrunia Hyperlane 17 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Kothlis Hyperlane 22 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Aduba Hyperlane 13 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Cha Raaba to Kashyyyk Hyperlane 17 Data Blocks 0.2% Public