Children of Turul
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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Moralan

Sector: Hutt Space

Coordinates: (390, 40)

Suns: 1

Planets: 1

Stations: 28

Population: 3,577,012,305

Controlled By: Knights of the Fountain

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Moralan Sun Moralan Sun 6, 8 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Moralan Moralan 12, 1 Temperate/breathable 10x10 3,577,012,305 Knights of the Fountain -
Image Name Position Type Owner
X7 Factory Station Emanon Klatoo Factory Station 16, 0 X7 Factory Station Knights of the Fountain
X7 Factory Station Emanon Klatoo Factory Station 2 14, 2 X7 Factory Station Knights of the Fountain
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Emanon Klatoo Hospital Station 10, 0 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Emanon Klatoo
Shipyard II Emanon Klatoo SY II 14, 0 Shipyard II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Castle Gate 0, 19 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Escarpment 0, 10 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Fortification 19, 10 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Moat 19, 19 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard III Knights Moralan Shipyard 13, 0 Shipyard III Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Post 0, 0 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Stronghold 19, 0 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Knights Watch Tower 10, 19 Golan II Knights of the Fountain
Medical Factory Station Moralan Pharmaceutical 11, 3 Medical Factory Station Knights of the Fountain
Golan II Moralan Defender 10, 1 Golan II Emanon Klatoo
Depot Station IV Moralan Depot IV 11, 1 Depot Station IV Knights of the Fountain
Relay Station Moralan Relay Station 14, 1 Relay Station Knights of the Fountain
R&D IV Moralan Research Station 12, 1 R&D IV Emanon Klatoo
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #1 15, 0 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #2 7, 0 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #3 5, 2 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #4 5, 0 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #5 7, 2 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard I Moralan Shipyard I #6 13, 2 Shipyard I Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard II Moralan Shipyard II 12, 2 Shipyard II Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard III Moralan Shipyard III 11, 2 Shipyard III Knights of the Fountain
Shipyard IV Moralan Shipyard IV 12, 0 Shipyard IV Knights of the Fountain
Trading II Moralan Trade Station (East Orbit) 13, 1 Trading II Emanon Klatoo
Zoo Station Moralan Zoo Station 15, 1 Zoo Station Knights of the Fountain
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Moralan to Usk Hyperlane 2197 Data Blocks 40.4% Public
Moralan to Cha Raaba Hyperlane 179 Data Blocks 3% Public
Moralan to Y`Toub Hyperlane 46 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Moralan to Nimban Hyperlane 30 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Moralan to Si`Klaata Cluster Hyperlane 33 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Moralan to Aduba Hyperlane 24 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Moralan to Eadu Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Moralan to Lexrul Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Moralan to Toydaria Hyperlane 10 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Moralan to Kothlis Hyperlane 9 Data Blocks 0.1% Public