Squads allow players and their entities to move around as a single entity. Each entity within the group follows the character, who acts as the squad Leader.
There are also parties, which are more passive in nature that don't center around a character, nor are they considered active Squads. Parties are able to defend themselves as a team. Due to their minimalistic capabilities, there are no limits to how many parties you may create.
Every squad is allowed up to 12 squad slots. For ground squads, the player does not count towards this 12 capacity.
Each entity has its own different slot size cost, and you may mix and match entity types.
Joe Bob is on the ground preparing to ready a squad for combat. He has with him, an assortment of droids, NPCs, and creatures of varying slot sizes. Since the maximum he can bring into one squad is 12, he brings:
Vehicles and Ships work in the same fashion. However, the slot cost of the entity you are piloting will count towards the 12 slots.
As a party leader you may add:
If the entity you are entering does not have enough room to contain your squad then the portion that did not fit will be left outside.
Parties may be created in any of the following methods for NPCs, Droids, and Creatures that you own, are assigned, or have the faction privilege to assign:
Passive parties for Ships and Vehicles currently may only be formed through the cockpit interface manually, or via the Ship/Vehicle inventory pages.
If your character has any sort of access via ownership, assignment, or faction assign privilege over any member of a party, you may remotely view the party in the Squad View Page, found in inventory as "Show Squad" link for the relevant entities, or found as an icon link in the Party Position Page over the relevant entities.
Within the Squad View Page, you may have access to several options: