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N-1 Starfighter (Fighters)
The one-man Naboo N-1 Starfighter was originally developed by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the volunteer Royal Naboo Security Forces. Due to the relative poverty of the planet Naboo at the time, they chose to combine functionality with a sleek look, hoping to impress their neighboring systems. Due to these cutbacks these starfighters are amongst the cheapest production vessels in the galaxy. However, despite the fact that they are cheap to produce and easy to come by, they are still quality ships able to outgun and out fly almost any other starfighter. The revolutionary finials projecting from the engines make this fighter easier to handle during atmospheric flight than most ships produced during the same era. Only the Nubian Monarc C-4 hyperdrive seems a bit dated at this time, but this is more than compensated by the weapon array on the N-1.Many a modern starfighter pilot has turned up his nose at flying one of these, but later found himself at the receiving end of one of the ships torpedoes. The ship is a classic that can still take care of business.
Raw Materials
  • Quantum: 11
  • Meleenium: 120
  • Ardanium: 12
  • Rudic: 21
  • Rockivory: 10
  • Tibannagas: 26
  • Varmigio: 35
  • Lommite: 8
  • Durelium: 12
  • Hyperspeed: 4
  • Sublight Speed: 40 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 400 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 5
  • Weight: 22 T
  • Volume: 400 m³
  • Length: 11 m
  • Party Slot: 1.00
Cargo Capacity
  • Weight Cap: 90 kg
  • Volume Cap: 1 m³
  • Max Passengers: 1
Combat Role
  • Strike
  • Proton Torpedo Launchers: 2
  • Heavy Laser: 2
  • Hull: 40
  • Deflectors: 20
  • Ionic Capacity: 10
  • Armour: 25
  • Sensors: 1
  • ECM: 0
  • Raw Value: 67,288 CR
  • Generic DC: 1.5 Slots
  • Recommended Workers: 6
  • Recycling XP: 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 150
Landing Capacity Repulsor
Related Skills
  • Fighter/Freighter Piloting
  • Fighter/Freighter Combat
  • Space Command

Public Custom Images:

Floor: Base

Floor: Base
Room Entrance/Exit, Cockpit Overlay