Messert VII is the furthest planet in the Messert system. It is also by far the largest of all planets in that system. While gas giants are usually harsh and inhospitable to humans, Messert VII is unusually serene. The atmosphere is stable and contains air breathable to some races.
The planet also contains many pockets of tibanna gas. While not in pure form, as found on some worlds, the gas is still fairly abundant. These pockets contain other elements such as chlorine and methane as well, and breathing the air found in these pockets could be very hazardous to your health. Due to the corrosive nature of the gasses, extreme caution must be taken during the mining process. Using krydon-plated machinery, pockets of the gas are pulled through a gas probe into an absorption chamber. Here, special solutions and electrical nodes are used to solidify the chlorine and methane into a gooey yellow gel. This gel is incredibly poisonous, and many precautions are taken to avoid accidental exposure. This gel is usually shipped into the sun but has also been used as a crude biological weapon by some of the more barbaric inhabitants.
While this process of tibanna gas mining is somewhat inefficient, it has been enough for some hardy groups of humans to scratch out a living on this large planet. Many of these people live in small mining communities, floating in the air, supported by massive repulsorlifts. Great care must be taken to ensure that these facilities remain above the layer the natives refer to as “the pocket zone”. All pockets of the tibanna gas mixture stay below a certain level, and mining facility operators must ensure that their facility is above the layer, but close enough to extend their gas probe.
While making a good living on Messert VII is tough, most of the planet’s occupants are happy with their way of life. While trading with the outside world is common, most inhabitants choose to remain on the planet and continue their peaceful existence. Messert VII is peaceful and friendly, knowing that their very existence lies on their ability to trade with others.