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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Iktotch

Sector: Narvath

Coordinates: (159, -112)

Suns: 1

Moons: 1

Planets: 8

Stations: 21

Population: 396,088,507,990

Controlled By: Falleen Federation

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Iktotch VII Iktotch VII 0, 18 Gas Giant 17x17 1,243,530 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch VI Iktotch VI 4, 14 Cold/no Atmosphere 7x7 1,916,800 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch Sun Iktotch Sun 5, 7 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Iktotch I Iktotch I 8, 8 Hot/toxic Atmosphere 9x9 1,243,530 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch II Iktotch II 8, 10 Hot/no Atmosphere 10x10 1,243,530 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch Iktotch 10, 5 Moon 3x3 12,500,857 Falleen Federation Iktotchi
Iktotchon Iktotchon 10, 6 Gas Giant 19x19 396,061,324,790 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch IV Iktotch IV 12, 8 Cold/breathable 7x7 1,359,609 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch V Iktotch V 14, 6 Cold/breathable 6x6 4,874,284 Falleen Federation -
Iktotch VIII Iktotch VIII 18, 18 Cold/no Atmosphere 15x15 2,801,060 Falleen Federation -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Shipyard IV FFI Iktotchan Naval Yard - For Recycle 18, 18 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Trading I FGC Ikotchi Depot 13, 14 Trading I Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan East 19, 9 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan North 9, 0 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan NorthEast 19, 0 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan NorthWest 0, 0 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan South 9, 19 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan SouthEast 19, 19 Golan II Falleen Federation
Golan II Iktotch Golan SouthWest 0, 19 Golan II Falleen Federation
Hospital Platform XQ-2 Iktotch Hospital XQ-2 (C) 10, 10 Hospital Platform XQ-2 Falleen Federation
R&D IV [FF] Iktotch Hyperlane Repository 10, 11 R&D IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch II Orbital Naval Yard 8, 10 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard East 9, 10 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard North 8, 9 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard NorthEast 9, 9 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard NorthWest 7, 9 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard South 8, 11 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard SouthEast 9, 11 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard SouthWest 7, 11 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Shipyard IV [FF] Iktotch Naval Yard West 7, 10 Shipyard IV Falleen Federation
Depot Station IV [FF] Iktotch System Depot 10, 9 Depot Station IV Falleen Federation
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Iktotch to Falleen Hyperlane 4368 Data Blocks 41.1% Public
Iktotch to Tynnani Hyperlane 156 Data Blocks 3.4% Public
Iktotch to Sabrash Hyperlane 246 Data Blocks 2.7% Public
Iktotch to Chommell Minor Hyperlane 179 Data Blocks 2.4% Public
Iktotch to Uvena Hyperlane 164 Data Blocks 1.8% Public
Iktotch to Hosnian Hyperlane 115 Data Blocks 1.8% Public
Iktotch to Oshora Hyperlane 123 Data Blocks 1.3% Public
Iktotch to Derra Hyperlane 58 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Iktotch to Nimban Hyperlane 70 Data Blocks 0.8% Public
Iktotch to Prindaar Hyperlane 45 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Iktotch to Tyus Cluster Hyperlane 42 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Iktotch to Zolan Hyperlane 34 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Iktotch to Darie Hyperlane 32 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Iktotch to Matacorn Hyperlane 37 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Iktotch to Dressel Hyperlane 28 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Tholatin Hyperlane 41 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Ank Kit`aar Hyperlane 26 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Nauton Hyperlane 41 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Omwat Hyperlane 41 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Xyquine Hyperlane 29 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Iktotch to Secundus Ando Hyperlane 22 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Iktotch to Black Nebula Hyperlane 22 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Iktotch to Bomodon Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Iktotch to Flarestar Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Iktotch to Moravia Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Iktotch to Zuni Cluster Hyperlane 10 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Iktotch to Kreeling Hyperlane 13 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Iktotch to Harpori Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Iktotch to Doldur Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.1% Public