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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Xyquine

Sector: Corellian

Coordinates: (42, -6)

Suns: 1

Moons: 2

Planets: 3

Stations: 7

Population: 16,742,581,916

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Xyquine II Xyquine II 4, 8 Temperate/breathable 10x10 16,650,261,340 Galactic Empire -
Xyquine II A Xyquine II A 4, 9 Moon 2x2 1,161,516 Galactic Empire -
Xyquine II B Xyquine II B 5, 7 Moon 3x3 7,072,755 Galactic Empire -
Xyquine Sun Xyquine Sun 9, 9 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Xyquine I Xyquine I 10, 11 Cold/breathable 5x5 65,197,642 Unnamed Imperium -
Xyquine III Xyquine III 18, 10 Cold/no Atmosphere 7x7 18,888,663 Bounty Hunters Guild -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Shipyard IV X2 B SY4 5, 7 Shipyard IV Unnamed Imperium
Shipyard IV XIII SY4 18, 10 Shipyard IV Unnamed Imperium
Depot Station I Xyquine 1 Depot 10, 11 Depot Station I Unnamed Imperium
Golan II Xyquine II A Golan II 4, 9 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Xyquine II Defense 4, 8 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Xyquine II N Defense 4, 7 Golan II Galactic Empire
Golan II Xyquine RS 2, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Xyquine to Vagran Hyperlane 4100 Data Blocks 44.2% Public
Xyquine to Shili Hyperlane 2561 Data Blocks 25.7% Public
Xyquine to Lantillies Hyperlane 97 Data Blocks 1.2% Public
Xyquine to New Plympto Hyperlane 31 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Xyquine to Chagri Hyperlane 74 Data Blocks 0.9% Public
Xyquine to Giju Hyperlane 45 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Xyquine to Mechis Hyperlane 47 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Xyquine to Derra Hyperlane 52 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Xyquine to Petabys Conflict Zone Hyperlane 31 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Xyquine to Vaxal Hyperlane 34 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Xyquine to Corellia Hyperlane 21 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Xyquine to Asrat Hyperlane 37 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Xyquine to Morobe Hyperlane 21 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Xyquine to Polith Hyperlane 30 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Xyquine to Hemei Hyperlane 19 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Xyquine to Iktotch Hyperlane 29 Data Blocks 0.4% Public
Xyquine to Chamm Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Xyquine to Steelious Hyperlane 21 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Xyquine to Morath Nebula Hyperlane 20 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Xyquine to Lorahns Hyperlane 23 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Xyquine to Artesia Hyperlane 27 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Xyquine to Hosnian Hyperlane 13 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Xyquine to Devaron Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Xyquine to Chasin Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Xyquine to Crystan Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Xyquine to Azurbani Hyperlane 8 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Xyquine to Abregado Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Xyquine to Balosar Hyperlane 4 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Xyquine to Botor Hyperlane 4 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Xyquine to Lettow Hyperlane 6 Data Blocks 0.1% Public
Xyquine to Froz Hyperlane 5 Data Blocks 0.1% Public