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Production: Material Equations

Raw Material Equations determine the materials needed to construct any entity, based on that entity's stats. They apply to any entity in the universe.

Any equation's result is rounded to the next integer value unless specified otherwise.

Items are considered as having a hull of 2 for the following equations.

Use: Armour

Quantum is a very dense material and is thus used anywhere protection is needed. The amount needed depends on the entity's Hull stat, i.e. if your entity has hull, it needs Quantum.

Quantum = Hull / 3.5

A hotel has a hull of 44, thus the quantum needed to build a hotel is:
44 / 3.5 = 13
Use: Durasteel

Meleenium is the primary building material for ships, vehicles, facilities and space stations. The amount of Meleenium needed depends on an entity's Volume, Volume Capacity and Hull.

Meleenium = (((Volume - Volume Capacity) * Hull) / Volume) * 3

A starport has a volume of 52,000,000 m³, a volume capacity of 2,000,000 m³ and a hull of 260:
(((52,000,000 - 2,000,000) * 260) / 52,000,000) * 3 = 750
Use: Fuel Canisters

Ardanium is arguably the most suitable materials for fuel canisters. High density gives it the strength to safely contain pressurised fuels whilst at the same time resisting damage from accidental impacts. Ardanium also has the added bonus of incredible chemical resistance. Important when storing some of the more volatile fuels.

Use speed for vehicles

Ardanium = (10 * Weight)0.46 * (Sublight Speed)0.3 / 3

An Action VI Transport has a weight of 4,000 T and a sublight speed of 50 MGLT:
(10 * 4,000)0.46 * 500.3 / 3 = 141
Use: Electronics

Rudic is one of the most commonly used materials, as Rudic determines the electronic capacity of an entity. Being used in anything that uses electronics on a major scale, including droids, skyscrapers and ships, Rudic crystals are in high demand throughout the galaxy.

Rudic = 15 * Sensors + (Shield * Volume)0.3 / 3 + Ionic / 10 + (3,000 per Gravity Generator)
if (is an Item) {
	Rudic += Ionic / Batch Quantity
if ((is an Item) and (is an armour, tool, cybernetic, explosive, or computer)) {
	Rudic += 0.5 * Batch Quantity
if (has Gravity Wells) {
	Rudic += Number of Gravity Wells * 3000
if (is a Facility with Holonet capabilities) {
	Rudic += 400
if (is a Facility with shield) {
	//Facilities generating or projecting shields
	Rudic += Shield / 30

An Interdictor Star Cruiser has 8 sensors, 3,500 shields, a volume 9,000,000 m³, an ionic capacity of 2,000 and 4 gravity generators:
15 * 8 + (3,500 * 9,000,000)0.3 / 3 + 2,000 / 10 + (4 * 3,000) = 12,790
Use: Drug

Originally used as an ingredient of medicine, Ryll is now a popular drug with any benefits in medical treatment greatly overshadowed by its addictive power. Possession of, or dealing in this drug is highly illegal as defined by the laws of most galactic governments.

if (is an Item) {
	Ryll = ceil(300 * Weight * Batch Quantity)

A Ryll Patch has a weight of 0.1 kg and a batch quantity of 50:
ceil(300 * 0.0001 * 50) = 2
Use: Building Material

Duracrete is a prolific material that is mined close to the surface on numerous worlds (mining is chosen over quarrying to get the full economic worth from the depth of the seams). When mixed with neutral liquids and common aggregates it forms a durable material that can be cast into nearly any form required in construction. Due the major importance of Duracrete, both supply and demand are constantly at a high level.

Applies to facilities only.

Duracrete = 5.5 * sizeX * sizeY + hull * 0.3

A Landing Pad is 3 squares high and 5 squares wide and has a hull of 110:
5.5 * 5 * 3 + 110 * 0.3 = 86
Use: Bacta

Alazhi is a large rubbery leafed plant that naturally occurs in tropical areas. It is very common for farms to be constructed in these areas to produce higher quality plants suitable to be refined to produce Bacta.

Alazhi is used only to be refined into Bacta (Material Equations: Bacta).

Use: Lightsabers

Laboi is one of the more uncommon minerals in the galaxy, and as such its use is very limited. Laboi, which is cooled off molten rock, can be used only in the process of creating a lightsaber.

There currently are no entities that need Laboi.

Use: Lightsabers

Adegan crystals, shiny stones that react to the Force, are extensively used by Jedi to construct their lightsabers. While these crystals are hard to find, they have no further use besides being a necessary component for a Jedi's lightsaber.

Each lightsaber has a specific adegan cost:
Adegan = (lightsaber blade minDamage + lightsaber blade maxDamage) / 50 * number of blades
Use: Antigrav Unit

Rockivory has a very high density. The main use for this material is within the high integrity pressure systems of antigrav units of ships and speeders.

Use speed for vehicles

If you have repulsor (can fly over facility):
Rockivory = weight0.5 * sublightspeed0.5 / 3

A Koro-2 Airspeeder has a weight of 2 T and a speed of 220 km/h (and has a repulsor):
20.5 * 2200.5 / 3 = 7
Use: Blasters/Lasers

Tibannagas, when condensed into a highly reflective optical cavity, acts as an energy gain medium in blaster and laser weapon systems. The fact that Tibannagas can only be obtained on Gas Planets makes the substance harder to get, but being the lightest substance to be used for production and construction, its availability is high nonetheless.

Tibannagas = f(weapons)
Each weapon has a specific RM cost, right now looking at:
Tibannagas = Number of weapons * (minDamage + maxDamage) / 20

A Pinook Fighter has two heavy lasers and one concussion missile launcher:
(2 * (50 + 60) / 20) + (1 * (40 + 50) / 20) = 16
Use: Explosives

Nova is generally considered to be the most unstable material known. Once triggered Nova will release a phenomenal amount of destructive energy. At this time scientist are unable to harness this energy for anything other than explosive weapons.

Valid only for explosive items

Nova = (minDamage + maxDamage) / 20

A Thermal Bomb has a minDamage of 75 and a maxDamage of 100:
(75 + 100) / 20 = 9
Use: Droids/Equipment

Varium is one of the most conductive materials known, whether it be heat or electricity. It is extensively used in data transfer systems within most forms of technology.

Varium will be used for everything related to the supply chain or everything with an intelligent function:
  • production, recycling, mining, farming...
  • vehicles or ships performing those operations
  • droids with skills
  • active items (weapons, tools, computer...)

if (hasBactaProduction || hasFarming || hasMining || hasMiningSensor || hasProduction || hasRecycling || hasResearch) {
	Varium = ceil((Volume Capacity)0.45)
	if (isStation || isSuperCapital || isCapitalShip || isFrigate || isCorvette) {
		Varium = Varium * 35;
} elseif (hasSkills) {
	foreach (skill) {
		Varium += 2 * Skill Level;
} elseif (Armour || Computers || Cybernetics || Explosives || Heavy Projectile Weapons ||
	Projectile Weapons || Survival || Tools) {

	Varium = ceil(Volume * 10)
if (hasGravityWells) {
	Varium += GravityWells * 3000
if (Facility && projects/generates Shields) {
	Varium += round(Shield / 200)

A Shipyard 1 has a volume capacity of 24,550 m³ and a docking port:
ceil(24,5500.45) * 35 = 3,325

A R2 Series droid has a total of 4 skill levels (Strength: 1, Repairing Ships: 1, Computer Operations: 2):
2 * 1 + 2 * 1 + 2 * 2 = 8
Use: Hyperdrive

Varmigio, like Durelium, is resistant to high temperatures. It is readily available at moderate cost and is used for the larger components in hyperdrive propulsion units, particularly casings.

Ships only

Varmigio = (10 * weight)0.53 * Hyperspeed / 2

An A-24 Sleuth has a weight of 50 T and a hyperspeed of 4:
(10 * 50)0.53 * 4 / 2 = 54
Use: Transparisteel

Lommite combines tensile strength with opacity and is the key component in Transparisteel. Without this material, space resistant glazing would not be possible.

Lommite = 7 + passengersMax.95

A Space Colony II has a passenger limit of 180:
7 + 1800.95 = 146
Use: Cloaking Technology

Hibridium has an unusual atomic make up. Engineered with precision it can absorb energy within a defined field. Military scientists quickly realised its potential in cloaking technology.

Hibridium = (volume * ECM)0.5

An Asteroid Hideout has a volume of 7,000 m³ and an ECM of 7:
(7,000 * 7)0.5 = 221
Use: Hyperdrive

Durelium has a key quality, which makes it the perfect material for use in hyperdrive production. It can withstand the staggering temperatures generated by the propulsion process.

Ships only

Durelium = (10 * weight)0.53 * Hyperspeed / 6

A CR-90 Corvette has a weight of 12,500 T and a hyperspeed of 2:
(10 * 12,500)0.53 * 2 / 6 = 168
Use: Valuable Gems

Lowickan is a moderately priced (compared with Berubian) gemstone. The primary use is in decorative optical art that graces the homes of the rich and famous. As with most gemstones hand crafting is the best way to work this material.

There currently are no entities that need Lowickan.

Use: Valuable Gems

Vertex is a more commonly found gem. Even in its natural state the blue colour it radiates is stunning. The low density of this beautiful material renders it unsuitable for use in production.

There currently are no entities that need Vertex.

Use: Valuable Gems

Berubian is a hard crystalline material with a deep green hue. The material's rarity renders it unsuitable for commercial production and it tends to be hand worked by master craftsmen to form exquisite, and highly expensive jewellery.

There currently are no entities that need Berubian.

Use: Medical Equipment

Bacta is an engineered material, high in organic content, refined from Alazhi. It is extensively used in medical treatments and equipment due to its inherent healing properties.

Bacta is used in any medical entity or healing item.

if (not an Item) {
	Bacta = ceil(Passengers / 25)
} else {
	Bacta = ceil(300 * Weight * Batch Quantity)

A Bacta Patch has a weight of 0.1 kg and a batch quantity of 50:
ceil(300 * 0.0001 * 50) = 2