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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
System: Wynth

Sector: Wyloff

Coordinates: (-4, 137)

Suns: 1

Planets: 1

Stations: 38

Population: 200,681,557

Controlled By: Galactic Empire

Space Combat: PvE

Ground Combat: PvE

Sector Map
Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld Travel Planner
Wynth Wynth 2, 10 Cold/no Atmosphere 13x13 200,681,557 Galactic Empire -
Wynth Sun Wynth Sun 15, 6 Sun 30x30 0 - -
Image Name Position Type Owner
Trading II W-Center-E-TII 10, 9 Trading II Galactic Bank
Shipyard IV W-Center-N-IV 9, 8 Shipyard IV Galactic Bank
Luxury Space Colony W-Center-NE-LSC 11, 7 Luxury Space Colony Galactic Bank
Luxury Space Colony W-Center-NW-LSC 7, 7 Luxury Space Colony Galactic Bank
Shipyard IV W-Center-S-IV 9, 10 Shipyard IV Galactic Bank
Luxury Space Colony W-Center-S-LSC 7, 11 Luxury Space Colony Galactic Bank
Luxury Space Colony W-Center-SE-LSC 11, 11 Luxury Space Colony Galactic Bank
Shipyard IV W-East-C-IV 13, 9 Shipyard IV Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-E-I 14, 9 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-N-I 13, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-NE-I 14, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-NW-I 12, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-S-I 13, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-SE-I 14, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-SW-I 12, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-East-W-I 12, 9 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-NCenter-E-I 10, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-NCenter-N-I 9, 7 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-NCenter-NE-I 10, 7 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-NCenter-NW-I 8, 7 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-NCenter-W-I 8, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-SCenter-E-I 10, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-SCenter-S-I 9, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-SCenter-SE-I 10, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-SCenter-SW-I 8, 11 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-SCenter-W-I 8, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard IV W-West-C-IV 5, 9 Shipyard IV Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-E-I 6, 9 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-N-I 5, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-NE-I 6, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-NW-I 4, 8 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-S-I 5, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-SE-I 6, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-SW-I 4, 10 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Shipyard I W-West-W-I 4, 9 Shipyard I Galactic Bank
Depot Station IV Wynth Cold Storage 3, 9 Depot Station IV Galactic Bank
Golan II Wynth Defense Station 02-10 2, 10 Golan II Galactic Empire
Trading II {CX} ₩-Capital-951 8, 9 Trading II Centrepoint Space Station
Name Collected Data Speed Modifier Owner
Wynth to Ansion Hyperlane 1211 Data Blocks 15.8% Public
Wynth to Vortex Hyperlane 145 Data Blocks 2.4% Public
Wynth to Shili Hyperlane 84 Data Blocks 1.7% Public
Wynth to Bright Jewel Hyperlane 91 Data Blocks 1.7% Public
Wynth to Morobe Hyperlane 121 Data Blocks 1.5% Public
Wynth to Kokash Hyperlane 71 Data Blocks 1.1% Public
Wynth to Aleen Hyperlane 42 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Wynth to Queen Mother's Pearls Hyperlane 60 Data Blocks 0.7% Public
Wynth to O`pahz Hyperlane 35 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Wynth to Vorsia Hyperlane 40 Data Blocks 0.6% Public
Wynth to Cortina Hyperlane 48 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Wynth to Chagri Hyperlane 25 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Wynth to Vagran Hyperlane 40 Data Blocks 0.5% Public
Wynth to Ord Trasi Hyperlane 31 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Raxxa Hyperlane 17 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Ord Cantrell Hyperlane 22 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Vasuuli Hyperlane 15 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Coruscant Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Fitca Prime Hyperlane 21 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Uviuy Exen Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Vahaba Asteroid Belt Hyperlane 26 Data Blocks 0.3% Public
Wynth to Denhui Hyperlane 14 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Wynth to Leafar Hyperlane 12 Data Blocks 0.2% Public
Wynth to Shulstine Hyperlane 11 Data Blocks 0.2% Public