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Movement: Rooms

Rooms are present inside the following entities: facilities, ships, vehicles, and space stations. The concept of rooms must be taken in a very open minded way; for example, the cockpit of an open-air vehicle is considered as a room, even if not fully enclosed.

Rooms are the smallest container inside which a character may go. When entering a facility, ship, vehicle, or space station, a character will always arrive in a room. Inside rooms, characters may see and meet other characters and NPCs. Items will also be visible in rooms.

The number and locations of rooms inside the same type of entities are usually the same. However, some exceptions are possible.

Some rooms may have additional functions. Here is a list of possible functions:

  • Entrance Room: This is the room where your character arrives when entering, from the outside, inside a facility, ship, vehicle, or space station. This is also the room where your character must be if you want to walk outside. If you are in this room there will be an 'Unboard' button on the interface.

  • Cockpit / Command Room:This is the room where your character can have access to the cockpit (ships and vehicles) or command room (facilities and space stations) interface. The conditions to have access are: being in the cockpit or command room, being the pilot of the entity, and having set the entity to piloted mode.

  • Docking Bay: When inside a docking bay room of an entity, a character has access to the ships that are inside the entity (refer to the crewlist rules). Similarly, when your character is inside a ship and when that ship is inside the docking bay of, suppose, a facility, if you want to get out of your ship (from your ship entrance room), then your character will arrive in the docking bay room of the facility.

  • Hangar Bay: When inside a hangar bay room of an entity, a character has access to the vehicles that are inside the entity (refer to the crewlist rules). Similarly, when your character is inside a vehicle and when that vehicle is inside the hangar bay of, suppose, a facility, if you want to get out of your vehicle (from your ship entrance room), then your character will arrive in the hangar bay room of the facility.

  • Medical Room: A room you find only in entities with medical capabilities and that provide specific medical features (list will follow).

  • Storage Room: The storage room is specifically designed to organize your items so that they may be accessed by Merchants.

  • Training Room: A room designed with an open architecture and various equipment in order to provide training to NPCs.

  • Taming Pit: Creatures may be tamed and trained within a taming pit, a room in which a beast master is able to orchestrate their work.

  • Normal room: If a room has none of the above functions, then it is considered a normal room.

A room may sometimes perform two or more functions. For example in a single-room ship like a TIE-Ln or an X-wing, the cockpit is also used as the entrance room.

The table below will help you to identify rooms, depending on the entity you are in:

Ships Vehicles Facilities Space Stations Room Map
Normal room
Entrance Room
Cockpit Room
Docking Bay Room
Hangar Bay Room
Medical Room
Storage Room
Training Room
Taming Pit
Infantry Bay

Rooms can be customized by the owner or the commander of the respective entity. The customization includes the setting of the room name (Entrance, Main Hall, Bathroom...) and the integration of a full text description.