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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 181
Movement: NPC Player Transport

Trading factions can offer a service (for a fee) to any character, regardless of level, to travel between two powered starports owned by the faction on any planet. This service is also available between any two powered NPC-owned starports for travel between race homeworlds only or FROM an NPC-owned starport TO a powered starport owned by your faction and set 'open to crewlist & faction' or 'open to all'. Travel from a faction owned starport to an NPC-owned starport is not possible. Travel from an NPC-owned starport to a faction owned starport open to 'crewlist' only is not possible.

Any character entering a starport is able to access, from the docking bay, a list of possible destinations and the corresponding price and estimated travel time. Upon choosing the destination, a StarSpeeder 3000 shuttle is created at that point the character and any party members are immediately moved onboard, and the full travel begins. Upon arrival, the character and associated party members are moved into the starport and the shuttle is no longer available for use.

Trading factions can grant or restrict the access of specific characters to particular starports by using the possibilities offered by the crewlist or public access feature. For example, if a starport is set to "open to all", then any character will be able to select it as destination. If a starport is set to "faction members" then only the members of the trading faction owning the starport will be able to select it as destination. Finally, if a character is on the crewlist of a destination starport then he will also be able to select it as destination.

The following table summarizes all possible combination of travels when using the NPC Transport service. All starports are supposed powered and not under construction.

Where are you ? Where can you go to ?
NPC-owned Starport - NPC-owned Starports
- You faction starports (open to crewlist and you are on the crewlist)
- You faction starports (open to your faction)
- Your faction starports (open to all)
Starport owned by a Trading faction - Trading faction starports (open to all)
- Trading faction starports (open to crewlist and you are on the crewlist)
- You faction starports (open to crewlist and you are on the crewlist)
- You faction starports (open to your faction)
- Your faction starports (open to all)
Unpowered or under-construction starports do not provide the transport service. Similarly, unpowered or under-construction starports can not be selected as valid destinations.

The following equation is used to calculate the price that a character must pay in order for him and the accompanying party to use the transport service.

$$P = M \max(T, 0.05) \left(\frac{D + 1500}{2000}\right)\left(\frac{1.6}{1.8(C+0.001) + (1 + T)} \right ) \left(1 + \frac{n}{5} \right )$$


  • P: Price to pay
  • M: Raw Material price of a starport
  • n: Number of party members (not including character). These only pay 20% of the full ticket price.
  • T: Tax level on the departed planet.
  • C: Civilisation level on the departed planet.
  • D: Distance between the two planets on the galactic map.

The ships used for the transport services are the well-known StarSpeeder 3000 freighter. Each time a travel is initiated, a new ship is spawned with several fixed attributes:

  • A droid pilot onboard.
  • The ship owner is set to NPC (none).
  • The ship name either "Star Tours" if the starport is NPC-owned or "[XX] Star Tours" if the starport is owned by a trading faction. XX is the faction acronym.

Once the travel is completed and all passengers are disembarked, the StarSpeeder 3000 is destroyed and removed from the game.

[BS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Black Sun.
[CSS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Centrepoint Space Station.
[FF] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Falleen Federation.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire.
[HC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium.
[TF] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Trade Federation.
[TSK] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Tresario Star Kingdom.
[RA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance.
[eidola] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Eidola Pirates.
[MAN] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mandalore.
[DI] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Mindabaal League.
[TC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition.
[TK] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Krath Empire.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Knights of the Fountain.
[AoT] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Blue Sabre Federation.
[TXC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Exchange.
[TIEFE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to TIEFE.
[TOR] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Total Outer Rim.
[SYT] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to SYT Transport.
[TH] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Tion Hegemony.
[CIS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems.
[SC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Sienar Fleet Systems.
[TS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Tenloss Syndicate.
[RS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rogue Squadron.
[VP] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Veritas Press.
[BDY] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Byblos Drive Yards.
[FA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Freelancers Alliance.
[HKD] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc..
[TPA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Pentastar Alignment.
[DKA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dukha Industrial.
[ARK] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to -ARK-.
[BHG] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Bounty Hunters Guild.
[AMC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums.
[MD] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Matukai Dragons.
[TFF] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Faerytail Family.
[TR] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance.
[CDM] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Chir’dorna.
[MEC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mecrosa.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Endless Endeavors.
[CA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Corporate Alliance.
[UM] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Unnamed Imperium.
[JOE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Jawa Offworld Enterprises.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mythical Trading.
[CSA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Corporate Sector Authority.
[EXE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Eclipse Enterprises.
[CC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Cantrell Conglomerate.
[BSD] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Blue Star Dominion.
[XC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to eXiles Corporation.
[CA] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Chiss Ascendancy.
[IPS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Interstellar Parcel Service.
[SKLS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Skulls.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dynamet Corp.
[TLI] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Legacy of Ithor.
[ToZ] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Crimson Dawn.
[BR] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Black Rock.
[CBC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hutt Cartel.
[TUSK] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Tusk Brothers Trading Company.
[RA ] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Colu.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Order of the Sith.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium: Maad Administration.
[NSS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems: MoD.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Tythe.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Polordio.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Republica.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Trade Federation: Holdings.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition: Logistics.
[CCo] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Corliss & Co..
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium: Archais Initiative.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to DOM Arsenal.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Amber Regional Government.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Emerald Regional Government.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Ruby Regional Government.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Imperial Intelligence.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Imperial Security Bureau.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Emerald Task Force.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Amber Task Force.
[GE] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Galactic Empire: Ruby Task Force.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Trade Federation: JDF.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Protectorate of Kamino.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: First Battlegroup.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Intelligence.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium: Star Home Academy.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Ordnance and Supply.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Project Peridea.
[TC] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition: Civitas.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Kowak.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Loedorvia.
[CIS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems: MoH.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems: SPD.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Corellian Transport Services.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Republic Medical.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: JUGANOTH Mining Corporation.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Falleen Federation: Templari Order.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition: Navy.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition: Marines.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dukha Industrial: Far Away Trading.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Unnamed Imperium: Moria.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dukha Industrial: Dukha Mining.
[MUS] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Total Outer Rim: Musicians.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Cloud City.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems: CRS.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: FENIX Squadron.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Noble Squadron.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mandalore: Krie`ger.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mandalore: ARCO.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Mandalore: S`badai.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Pentastar Alignment: Protectorate.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Triumvirate Coalition: Space Technologies.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Confederacy of Independent Systems: Hevvrol Fed.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dukha Industrial: Kerdos Company.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Dukha Industrial: MandaPharma.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Bounty Hunters Guild: House Salaktori.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium: Endara Holdings.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Hapes Consortium: Xil Zaqash Holdings.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Tresario Star Kingdom: House Zhug.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Rebel Alliance: Sullust.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Jawa Offworld Enterprises: GARRY.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to DOM Arsenal: Deepspace Trading.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Jawa Offworld Enterprises: RAID.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Blue Star Dominion: CIP.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Bounty Hunters Guild: House Eyre.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to The Resistance: Cross Squadron.
[] Star Tours for a StarSpeeder 3000 belonging to Falleen Federation: BinRing Neutronics.

Piloting is ensured by CX Pilot droid droids. The droid owner is set to NPC (none). Therefore it can not be removed from the ship.

Each time the StarSpeeder 3000 shuttle starts a new travel section, an event is logged and available to any passengers from the room events screen.

  • Currently leaving the city of Meleenium City I. Reaching atmosphere of Tatooine in 60 minutes.
  • Currently leaving the atmosphere of Tatooine. Reaching orbit in 60 minutes.
  • Because of some local gravity fields effects, we are forced to move to (6, 8) before jumping to hyperspace. ETA: 0 days, 0, and 23 minutes.
  • Hyperdrive motivator engaged. ETA to (-3, 16): 3 days, 17, and 39 minutes.
  • Sublight drive engaged. ETA to Byss (6, 12): 1 hours, and 18 minutes.

Additionally, a list of all recent departing and arriving passengers is available from the cockpit of the starport to anyone having access to the commands.

  • Arrival of Sim Master Veynom from Sullust with 16 party member(s).
  • Departure of General Khan to Tatooine.

Finally, an event is sent to the faction owning the starport and another event informs your character upon completion of the travel.

  • Your faction received 22,319 credits from Veynom with the following message: Travel from Sullust to Tatooine.
  • You successfully arrived on Tatooine. Thank you for travelling with Star Tours.

The following Space Stations are permanently part of the NPC transport system and available at anytime, pending their game status as explained below.

System Space Station Status Accessible ?
Tyrius (276 , -245) Galactic Museum (5, 7) --

The following starports are permanently part of the NPC transport system and available at anytime, pending their game status as explained below.

Planet City Status Accessible ?
Ryloth (310 , -295) Kala’uun (8, 7) --
Murkhana (343 , 237) Murkhana 05 01 (5, 1)
Riflor (-90 , -300) Riflora (3, 3) --
Byss (-50 , -10) Ameshan (2, 2) --
Sanyassa IV (-202 , -256) TFC Sanyassa IV 03-01 (3, 1) --
Gand (415 , 167) BakTana (6, 12) --
Naboo (140 , -268) TFC Naboo 05-08 Theed (5, 8) --
Hapes (152 , 106) Haporium (14, 9) --
Kuat (70 , 53) Arelius (6, 4) --
Thyferra (15 , -136) Xucphra Corporation- F (5, 10) --
Rodia (276 , -245) Starport (6, 4) --
Kashyyyk (210 , 90) TFF Kashyyyk (5,3) (5, 3) --
Nal Hutta (325 , -20) Bilbousa (6, 2) --
Dulvoyinn (-25 , -37) Dulvoyinn (11, 7) (11, 7) --
Flauss (78 , -405) Yamr 11 11 (11, 11) --
Tatooine (296 , -248) Tatooine Starter City (5, 9) --
Kamino (335 , -178) Bossiveopolis (0, 0) --
Utapau (78 , -405) Pau City (5, 7) --
Sullust (55 , -305) Lommite Mining City (6, 8) --
Clak'Dor VII (55 , -350) Defiance (2, 1) --
Coruscant (-15 , 88) Coruscant 13,00 (13, 0) --
Harrin Prime (6 , -167) TFF Harrin Prime (1,8) NPC Transport (1, 8) --
Alderaan (44 , 79) Terrarium City (2, 7) --
Anzat (317 , 185) Anzat Spaceport (0, 5) --
Cona (128 , 19) Tylcarros (4, 4) --
Humbarine (78 , 30) Gna She'starn (7, 5) --
Cerea (-106 , -270) Tecave City (7, 2) --
Csilla (-320 , 200) Ac`siel (5, 4) --
Zolan (206 , -226) Halluraan City (4, 3) --
Voktunma III (78 , -7) Breehara (2, 3) --
Ando (245 , -210) Imthitill (1, 2) --
Ubrikkia IV (273 , 55) Korunaan City (1, 1) --
Falleen (211 , -186) Yellow District (5, 4) --
Gamorr (398 , -129) Jugsmuk (7, 4) --
Geonosis (295 , -250) Stalgasin Hive (4, 6) --
H`nemthe (80 , -344) Korunaan City (3, 3) --
Imzig (353 , 34) Korunaan City (4, 2) --
Iktotch (159 , -112) Tifaa (1, 2) --
Ithor (29 , 233) Tafanda Bay (6, 9) --
Klatooine (360 , 120) Veneron (2, 2) --
Mon Calamari (430 , 245) Coral City (3, 8) --
Glee Anselm (-105 , 195) Anselom (5, 0) --
Kintan (360 , 120) Fortress Kh`aris (3, 5) --
Qiraa (136 , -207) Korunaan City (4, 5) --
Sakiya (351 , -14) Korunaan City (6, 6) --
Sinite (285 , 200) Korunaan City (4, 6) --
Alzoc III (204 , -386) Valley of Blizzards (7, 6) --
Shili (14 , 172) Corvala (1, 4) --
Toydaria (319 , 17) Toydor (5, 6) --
Gentes (-65 , -337) Korunaan City (3, 4) --
Nickel One (235 , 155) 128 (0, 0) --
Sriluur (370 , 127) Meirm City (4, 2) --
Zeltros (151 , 49) Zeltros (6, 2) --
Cathar (118 , 270) Cathaar (3, 1) --
Kins (5 , 57) City 94 (4, 3) --
Honoghr (405 , 63) Zhuk'nir Starport 3_0 (3, 0) --
Manaan (136 , 12) Mandalore Garrison (4, 3) --
Lannik (275 , -77) TFF Lannik (4,4) (4, 4) --
Marca (130 , 230) Marca 9_8 (9, 8) --
Gendius I (-67 , -308) Larklari City (5, 3) --
Rrulinn (-55 , -306) Rrulinn (3,6) - Idegon City (3, 6) --
Kubindi (412 , 111) Kubindi 03 03 - Hive City (3, 3) --
Orto (50 , -370) Hydronium (0, 3) --
Polis Massa (-40 , -450) Polis Massa (0, 0) --
Forest Moon (-199 , -255) TFC Forest Moon Welcome Center (3, 2) --
Trandosha (210 , 90) Trandora (9, 8) --
Duro (54 , -13) Jivv Space City (3, 5) --
Corellia (62 , -8) Kor Vella (9, 4) --
Bothawui (283 , -133) Drev'starn (5, 2) --
Muunilinst (-60 , 355) Harnaidan (4, 6) --
Kinyen (-15 , -215) Hekaras (4, 6) --
Malastare (78 , -257) Pixelito (6, 6) --
Kiffex (-10 , -130) Ven Karya Sunport, "Deadend" (5, 1) --
Chadra (320 , 210) Cyperill Village (3, 4) --
Dressel (263 , -107) Breehara (5, 5) --
Af`El (360 , 138) Qua'Tahc (8, 4) --
Barab I (430 , -60) Alater-ka (4, 3) --
Devaron (35 , -100) Montellian Serat (7, 6) --
Tibrin (-2 , -309) Tib (5, 2) --
Denhui-Eight (50 , 180) Barag (8, 1) --
Vinsoth (130 , 257) Chev (1, 4) --
Dorin (-94 , 173) Dor'shan (10, 6) --
Nimban (340 , 60) Nelvaan (8, 2) --
Huk (-105 , 360) Y'rill (5, 2) --
Iridonia (-73 , 220) Wortan (2, 4) --
Neimoidia (80 , 45) Koto-Si (5, 8) --
Brodo Asogi (-111 , 342) Brodo Village (5, 6) --
Derra IV (71 , -166) Outbreak Response (9, 8) --
Bosph I (234 , 405) Boos (10, 7) --
Kalee (-177 , -255) Kaleela (4, 6) --
Skor II (48 , -433) Metrobig City (6, 9) --
Caamas (37 , 86) Refuge (10, 1) --
Sluis Van (48 , -380) Slu (12, 7) --
Millius Prime (412 , 227) Millius Prime (0, 1) --
Togoria (244 , 138) Caross (3, 1) --
Giju (-50 , -100) Flexing Habitual (5, 4) --
Antar 4 (116 , -44) Binedump (1, 2) --
Gravlex Med (-9 , 347) Ozlyn Gox (6, 6) --
Maridun (249 , 253) Amanaman Station (6, 6) --
Aleen (-3 , 197) Arboreal (6, 5) --
Toola (374 , 303) Ithaqua Station [NPC TRANSPORT] (4, 6) --
Zonama Sekot (-450 , -290) La'okio (3, 4) --
Serroco (100 , 195) City (5, 7) --
Champala (23 , 144) City (4, 5) --
Carlac (-54 , 263) City (5, 4) --
Mirial (247 , 351) City (5, 6) --
Sembla (322 , 291) City (3, 5) --
Mrlsst (16 , -97) Mennaa (4, 10) --
Munto Codru (398 , 257) Capital Codru (9, 5) --
Kushibah (214 , 304) City (2, 2) --
Polus (53 , 258) City (5, 5) --
Quermia (352 , 310) City (3, 7) --
Leritor (270 , -180) City (4, 1) --
Secundus Ando (240 , -210) City (6, 4) --
Dallenor (-6 , -199) City (2, 2) --
Revyia II (-10 , 460) City (6, 2) --
Ojom (27 , 0) City (0, 3) --
Lasan (-105 , 358) Lasan City - (NPC Transport Available) (3, 4) --
Arvala-7 (330 , -260) City (4, 4) --
Wombat Prime (-97 , 97) Edikville (5, 2) --
Wombat Prime (-97 , 97) Port Morlana (0, 0) --
Wombat Prime (-97 , 97) Mixed FI (4, 9) --
Wombat Prime (-97 , 97) Akai City (7, 18) --
Wombat Prime (-97 , 97) Factory City (5, 1) --