Blue Sabre Federation
  2072 active members
  202 are Online







Government House (7x7)
A government house is the administrative center for any body who considers themselves wise enough to manage an entire planet. There is typically one per planet from where the ruling body can manage the day to day running of the economy, whether collecting taxes or increasing exports. This grand building traditionally represents the magnitude of the power of the government just as the Galactic Senate did for the Old Republic. One of the largest buildings available to the common market it has multiple floors to provide space for administrative staff and reception areas. It boasts a modest spaceport that has plenty of room for diplomatic shuttles as well as their escorts. Vehicle garages inside the facility can store a range of fast, lightly armored vehicles that are mostly used by the heads of government for their own private shuttles. One of the few defendable positions on a planet, the government house boasts heavy lasers for fending off fighter attacks as well as medium and heavy blasters for guarding against troop and vehicle ground assaults. This defensive complement is usually enough to defend what the enemy would consider their primary target when invading a planet. (A valid Headquarters for Government entities)
Raw Materials
  • Quantum: 500
  • Meleenium: 501
  • Rudic: 120
  • Duracrete: 795
  • Tibannagas: 45
  • Lommite: 303
  • Size: 7x7
  • Flats: 8
  • Jobs: 100.0
  • Power: -10
Planet Stats
  • Decreases Planet Crime
  • Increases Planet Morale
  • Weight: 11,150 T
  • Volume: 442,106 m³
Cargo Capacity
  • Volume Cap: 400,000 m³
  • Max Passengers: 400
  • Heavy Laser: 5
  • Blaster Cannons: 3
  • Medium Blaster: 2
  • Hull: 49,000
  • Deflectors: 0
  • Ionic Capacity: 49,000
  • Armour: 0
  • Sensors: 8
  • ECM: 0
  • Travel Information
  • Join a Faction
  • Darkness Messaging
  • Stay Away from Suns
  • What is the Force?
  • Locked Doors
  • Beware of Creatures
  • Potential Mayor
  • Aborting Hyperspace
  • Raw Value: 564,916 CR
  • Recycling XP: 20 XP
Infantry Garrison
  • Maximum Garrison Size: 24
  • Maximum Active Squads: 2
  • Loiter Time: 24.00H
  • Restock Time: 3.00H
Docking Bay Hangar Bay Storage Room Medical Rooms: 1

Floor: 1

Floor: 1
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDown
Room DoorDown
Room Storage Room Overlay Door
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room Medical Room Overlay Door
Room Door
Room Docking Bay Overlay Door
Room Storage Room Overlay Door
Room Door

Floor: Ground

Floor: Ground
Room Storage Room Overlay DoorDoor
Room UpDoor
Room DoorUp
Room Door
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room Hangar Bay Overlay DoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room Command Room Overlay DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorDoor
Room Door
Room Infantry Bay Overlay Door
Room Entrance/Exit Overlay Door
Room Storage Room Overlay Door
Room Door