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The Force: Activate Slot

The Force is a powerful energy field that can be harnessed by certain individuals, such as Jedi and Sith. The Force can be used to perform incredible feats, including but not limited to Force Heal, Force Mind Control, and Force Purify. Any Force power that can be activated will require the use of an activation slot, which can have a cooldown timer associated with its use. This allows for a more controlled and efficient use of the power, particularly in combat situations where quick reflexes and precise control are necessary.

All skills that use the action slot are clealy labled on the Force Use page with a button stating "Use" as shown below.

Activate 1

Once the "Use" button has been selected, a targeting UI will be presented where you can select the entities on which you wish to use the skill on. Entities must be showing in the Targeted Members section to enable an effect to be applied. Use Add buttons to move entities to the Targeted Members section and Remove buttons to move entities back to the Non Partied Entities section. If a skill can be used multiple times, you can target one entity up to the maximum amount of uses for that skill based of of Max Hits. The targeting UI includes several sorting buttons, which allow you to filter the entities that are selectable based on whether they are enemies (based on IFF) or non-enemies (neutral or friendly on IFF). Using these buttons will cause the entities that are selectable to be filtered accordingly.

Activate 2

The cost shown on the Force screen is just the base cost. For each entity selected beyond the first one, there will be an additional Force point cost. This cost will be updated on the targeting UI when entities are targeted.

baseCost = force point base cost
maxHits = max hits
targeted = amount of targted
cost = baseCost + ((floor((baseCost/maxHits)/4)-1) * targeted)

Once the desired entities have been selected and there are enough Force points to use the skill, the "Use" button will become populated and clickable, allowing you to activate the power. You do not have to use all of the targeting slots if you do not wish to do so.

Activate 3

Once an activation power has been used, the activation slot will be populated with a Force cooldown, which will prevent any future Force activation powers from being used for a certain amount of time.

Activate 4
Activate 4Through the power of the Force, a Force user is able to affect the blood and nervous system of a target, causing great pain and in some instances simulating the effects of poison or illness.
Affliction attempts to poison targeted enemies. Poison follows the standard rules as if it were applied with a non-critical strike and will not reapply on multiple hits

This skill has a recharge time of 2 hours.

  • Firepower: 6
  • Maximum Hits: 4
  • Optimum Range: 1
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Affliction is 120 minutes

The following code is used to calculate the hit chance for Force Affliction. The calculation is performed per cast attempt. If the caster is confused themselves, the hit chance is reduced to zero. However, the reduced hit chance will only be presented to the caster if they are aware that they have been confused. The Force user is unable to target themselves to be poisoned.

Alpha = Force Alpha
Dex = Characters dexterity
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier

hitChance = max(round(((Dex * powerLevel * 2) + (FMModifier *2)) * Alpha), 1);

Assuming the target is hit, the poison duration follows normal rules for poison as if the target was poisoned with a weapon. Poison will not stack or reapply if the target is already poisoned.

Activate 4A Force user dominates the willpower of their target, compelling them to do or say things that they would not normally do or say, often to terrible ends.
Dominate compels the targeted biological entity to attack its own party during the next combat round. This power has a recharge time of 2 hours.
  • Firepower: 6
  • Maximum Hits: 4
  • Optimum Range: 1
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Dominate is 120 minutes

The following code is used to calculate the hit chance for Force Dominate. The calculation is performed per cast attempt. If the caster is confused themselves, the hit chance is reduced to zero. However, the reduced hit chance will only be presented to the caster if they are aware that they have been confused. The Force user is unable to target themselves to be dominated.

Alpha = Force Alpha
Dex = Characters dexterity
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier

hitChance = max(round(((Dex * powerLevel * 2) + (FMModifier *2)) * Alpha), 1);

Assuming the target is hit, the following code is used to calculate the duration of the dominate effect on the target. The dominate effect does not stack or reapply if the target is already dominated.

Alpha = Force Alpha
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Cooldown = Force Skill Cooldown
minTime = 1 minute(s)

duration = max(round((((Cooldown * 0.26) + (FMModifier * 4)) * (powerLevel / 5)) * $alpha, 0), minTime);
Activate 4The ability to heal living creatures with the Force is a distinctively light side-oriented power. To heal something, the Force user connects with the midichlorians of the wounded party, and shares some of its own life energy with them to help the midichlorians heal the body. It is more effective on wounds than illnesses, due to their localization and less complex nature.
Heals up to max hits using the damage equation, applied equally to injured members selected. Brings unconscious members of the party back to 1 HP. Recharge time of 2 hours.
  • Firepower: 7
  • Maximum Hits: 12
  • Optimum Range: 1
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Heal is 120 minutes

The following is used to get the heal amount that is applied to all entities targeted.

FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level

healAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The amount of entities that can be targeted is found by using the Max Hits that a skill can do and the Force Alpha.

max(round(maxHits * Alpha),1)
Activate 4Through the power of the Force, a light side Force user can soothe the fears and concerns of those nearest them. This encourages those nearby to be confident and courageous in the face of battle or hostility.
Increases armor by dividing the damage equation by 10 and applying it to targeted entities. This effect can stack if an entity is targeted multiple times. Recharge time of 2 hours

The additional armour points gained by 'Inspire' does not trigger any negative armour effects for a Force User wearing armour.

  • Firepower: 5
  • Maximum Hits: 12
  • Optimum Range: 1
  • Drop Off: 3

The cooldown for Force Inspire is 120 minutes before you can use it again.

The following is used to determine the amount of armor increase that is applied individually to all targeted entities or stacked when targeted multiple times. A target can not have Inspire stacked from multiple Force Users at a time.

FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level

buffAmount = max(round((((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2)/10),0);

The amount of entities that can be targeted is found by using the Max Hits that a skill can do and the Force Alpha.

max(round(maxHits * Alpha),1)

The duration of 'Inspire' is based on several factors and is determined using the following equation, returning a value in minutes.

Alpha = Force Alpha
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Cooldown = Force Skill Cooldown
minTime = 1 minute(s)

duration = max(round((((Cooldown * 0.26) + (FMModifier * 4)) * (powerLevel / 5)) * $alpha, 0), minTime);
Activate 4Mind Control is a controversial ability for those who practice the light side of the Force. It allows the Force user to suggest an action or intention into the mind of a target. When successful, the target will repeat or perform the suggested action. Because the ability suggested the action but does not compel the target to obey, those with stronger willpower or who have special training can resist the Mind Control technique.
Causes the affected entities to be confused for the next combat round or until the timer expires.
  • Firepower: 6
  • Maximum Hits: 8
  • Optimum Range: 1
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Mind Control is 120 minutes

The following code is used to calculate the hit chance for Force Mind Control. The calculation is performed per cast attempt. If the caster is confused themselves, the hit chance is reduced to zero. However, the reduced hit chance will only be presented to the caster if they are aware that they have been confused. The Force user is unable to target themselves to be confused.

Alpha = Force Alpha
Dex = Characters dexterity
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier

hitChance = max(round(((Dex * powerLevel * 2) + (FMModifier *2)) * Alpha), 1);

Assuming the target is hit, the following code is used to calculate the duration of the confusion effect on the target. The confusion effect does not stack or reapply if the target is already confused.

Alpha = Force Alpha
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Cooldown = Force Skill Cooldown
minTime = 1 minute(s)

duration = max(round((((Cooldown * 0.26) + (FMModifier * 4)) * (powerLevel / 5)) * $alpha, 0), minTime);