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The Force: Combat Slot

All powers that use the combat slot are clearly labeled on the Force Use page with a button stating "Equip," as shown below. When a power is equipped, it will be moved into the Force combat slot and can be used during a combat round.

Combat 1

Once the power has been equipped, it then must be activated either from the Force Use page or before starting combat. Once activated, the power replaces the weapons equipped in the normal equipment slots and is used in place of them for that particular combat round.

Combat 2 Combat 3

After the power has been used, it goes on cooldown and cannot be used again until the cooldown period has expired. Once the cooldown has ended, the power must be activated again from the Force Use page or before starting the next combat round.

Combat 4 Combat 5

Alternatively, you have the option to set the Combat Slot in the Force Settings to automatically activate the power once the cooldown finishes. This means that the combat power will be used in the next combat round, regardless of whether you are the attacker or defender.

Combat 6

Combat powers are used like normal weapons and use their max hits on each combat round. The Force User is not able to target individual entities like other power slots, and each power has optimum range and a dropoff.

The following is used to determine how many Force Points each use of a combat power will cost. This cost is also displayed on the Force Use page. If the Force User does not have enough Force Points, the use of the combat power will fail for that combat round.

--- Cost ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Power Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
maxHits = Max Hits from Hits Equation
Cost = max(round((-1 * FMModifier + (powerLevel * firepower * maxHits) + (baseFPCost * Alpha)) * Alpha),1)

The following formula is used to determine whether a combat force power hits the intended target. The skills used are a combination of Dexterity, the level of the force power, and the Force User's Alpha, as shown below:

--- Hit Score ---
Alpha = Jedi's Alpha level
PowerLevel = The force powers skill level
Dex = Characters Dexterity
HitScore = floor((Dex + PowerLevel/2) * Alpha);

Once that HitScore is created, it is used in the same dodge matrix for normal combat rounds for most of the Combat powers, allowing for the attack to be dodged. However, some combat powers cannot be dodged by the targets's dodge skill. The combat powers this applies to will be noted under the rules section for the power where this takes place.

Activate 4Force Choke is the use of telekinetic abilities to close the windpipes of a target, suffocating them to the verge of death.
This is a combat power that allows the Force User to damage a target while also having a chance to stun it. After it is used, the power goes on cooldown and cannot be used again until the cooldown period has expired.
  • Damage Type: Soft (F)
  • Bypass Dodge: True
  • Firepower: 22
  • Maximum Hits: 2
  • Optimum Range: 0
  • Drop Off: 1
The cooldown for Force Choke is 120 minutes

The following is used to get the damage amount that is applied per attack that hits its target.

--- Damage Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
meterMod = FMModifier + -1 * abs(Alpha /22)

if FMModifier is less then 0:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + meterMod)/2),1);
Otherwise the following:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The number of entities that can be hit in one combat round can be found by using the Max Hits equation used for most powers. This equation involves multiplying the total hits for the power by Alpha.

Force Choke has a chance to stun its target when an attack hits. Each successful hit has a chance to stun using the following:

--- Stun Chance Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
if alignment is Ligh or Dark:
modifier = 1.6
modifier = 1

stunChance = max(round(((FMModifier + powerlevel + firepower) * modifier) * Alpha, 0), 0)
If successfully stunned, the target will be unable to move to conduct any other action. A target can only have one stun at a time and stunning again does not reset or stack more stuns. The duration of the stun is determind by the following and is in seconds:
--- Stun Duration Per Target Hit ---
Alpha = Force Alpha
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
coolDown = Force Power Cooldown Time

time = max(round((coolDown * 0.26) + (FMModifier * 4) * (powerLevel / 5)) * Alpha, 0), 1)

Activate 4Drain Life is often seen as the opposite of the Force Heal technique. With this ability, a Force user overpowers the midichlorians of their target, transferring that beings life energy to themselves. This not only drains the target of life but also bolsters the user's own vitality.
This is a combat power that allows the Force User to damage a target while also receiving some of the damage to their own health. After it is used, the power goes on cooldown and cannot be used again until the cooldown period has expired.
This power can not be dodged. Target dodge skill is set to 0 for the attack roll
  • Damage Type: Soft (F)
  • Bypass Dodge: True
  • Firepower: 20
  • Maximum Hits: 3
  • Optimum Range: 0
  • Drop Off: 1
The cooldown for Force Drain Life is 120 minutes

The following is used to get the damage amount that is applied per attack that hits its target.

--- Damage Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
meterMod = FMModifier + -1 * abs(Alpha /22)

if FMModifier is less then 0:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + meterMod)/2),1);
Otherwise the following:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The number of entities that can be hit in one combat round can be found by using the Max Hits equation used for most powers. This equation involves multiplying the total hits for the power by Alpha.

Force Drain will apply a percentage of the damage done to the target directly to the Force user's health pool. This amount is applied after all damage has been applied in the combat round and only applies to the Force user. The following equation is used to determine the amount the user is healed.

--- Damage to Health ---
maxModValue = 18
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
adjustedMod = clamp(FMModifier, 1, maxModvalue)
powerLevel = Force skill point value
damage = Damage done in the attack

healAmount = floor(damage * ((adjustedMod * powerLevel)/100))
Activate 4A potent Dark-aligned technique whereby the Force user can harness their hatred and rage to emit paralyzingly painful lightning.
Combat power that allows the Force User to direct lightning at a target squad. Once used the power will be on cooldown until it can be used again.
  • Damage Type: Energy (F)
  • Bypass Dodge: False
  • Firepower: 7
  • Maximum Hits: 12
  • Optimum Range: 0
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Lightning is 120 minutes

The following is used to get the damage amount that is applied per attack that hits its target.

--- Damage Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
meterMod = FMModifier + -1 * abs(Alpha /22)

if FMModifier is less then 0:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + meterMod)/2),1);
Otherwise the following:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The number of entities that can be hit in one combat round can be found by using the Max Hits equation used for most powers. This equation involves multiplying the total hits for the power by Alpha.

Activate 4A light side Force user can summon targeted bursts of electromagnetic energy in order to stun droids.
This is a combat power does ionic damage to targets. After it is used, the power goes on cooldown and cannot be used again until the cooldown period has expired.
  • Damage Type: Ionic (P)
  • Bypass Dodge: False
  • Firepower: 18
  • Maximum Hits: 4
  • Optimum Range: 0
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Stun Droid is 30 minutes

The following is used to get the damage amount that is applied per attack that hits its target.

--- Damage Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
meterMod = FMModifier + -1 * abs(Alpha /22)

if FMModifier is less then 0:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + meterMod)/2),1);
Otherwise the following:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The number of entities that can be hit in one combat round can be found by using the Max Hits equation used for most powers. This equation involves multiplying the total hits for the power by Alpha.

Activate 4An ability often taught at the outset of Force training; this power allows a Force user to move objects without touching them. With practice, a Force user may be capable of moving large objects or multiple objects using only their mind and the power of the Force.
This is a combat power that inflicts damage to targets when used. After it is used, the power goes on cooldown and cannot be used again until the cooldown period has expired.
  • Damage Type: Physical (P)
  • Bypass Dodge: False
  • Firepower: 15
  • Maximum Hits: 2
  • Optimum Range: 2
  • Drop Off: 3
The cooldown for Force Telekinesis is 120 minutes

The following is used to get the damage amount that is applied per attack that hits its target.

--- Damage Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
meterMod = FMModifier + -1 * abs(Alpha /22)

if FMModifier is less then 0:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + meterMod)/2),1);
Otherwise the following:
damageAmount = max(round(((((powerLevel * Alpha) * firepower) * Alpha) + FMModifier)/2),1);

The number of entities that can be hit in one combat round can be found by using the Max Hits equation used for most powers. This equation involves multiplying the total hits for the power by Alpha.

Force Telekinesis has a chance to stun its target when an attack hits. Each successful hit has a chance to stun using the following:

--- Stun Chance Per Target Hit ---
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
Alpha = Force Alpha
firepower = Force Skill Firepower
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
if alignment is Ligh or Dark:
modifier = 1.6
modifier = 1

stunChance = max(round(((FMModifier + powerlevel + firepower) * modifier) * Alpha, 0), 0)
If successfully stunned, the target will be unable to move to conduct any other action. A target can only have one stun at a time and stunning again does not reset or stack more stuns. The duration of the stun is determind by the following and is in seconds:
--- Stun Duration Per Target Hit ---
Alpha = Force Alpha
FMModifier = Force meter modifier
powerLevel = Force Skill Level
coolDown = Force Power Cooldown Time

time = max(round((coolDown * 0.26) + (FMModifier * 4) * (powerLevel / 5)) * Alpha, 0), 1)