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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Marketplace: Shops

The NPC Shops are the place where you can buy lower quality goods when first starting out. There is usually a shop located on every homeworld for new players to use then they are first spawned. You may sell any items in your possession to an NPC shop, regardless of ownership, with the sale price determined as,


NPC Shop Item Sale (NPC purchase) Price

$$P = 0.64\left(1+0.05D\right)\frac{P_\mathrm{RM}}{B}$$


  • $$P$$ is the final sale price
  • $$D$$ is the player's diplomacy/trading skill
  • $$B$$ is the batch quantity of an item
  • $$P_\mathrm{RM}$$ is the item's RM price

The items and droids currently avaialble through the shop are listed below:

A listing of all of the available shop locations is below:

Name Planet City Government
Toydaria (319,17) Milla (4,6) Tresario Star Kingdom
Qiraa (136,-207) 1087 (5,5) Falleen Federation
Sakiya (351,-14) 105 (6,5) The Faerytail Family
Sinite (285,200) 692 (9,5) Tresario Star Kingdom
Verpine Chop Shop Nickel One (235,155) 128 (0,0) Tresario Star Kingdom
Humbarine (78,30) Ventricatal (8,3) Galactic Empire
Byss (-50,-10) Ameshan (2,2) Galactic Empire
Duros Merchandise Duro (54,-13) Jivv Space City (3,5) Galactic Empire
Imzig Shop Imzig (353,34) Markville (4,1) Eidola Pirates
Mayoral Abode Sullust (55,-305) Piringiisi (7,1) Rebel Alliance
Kala’uun Slums 1 Ryloth (310,-295) Kala’uun (8,7) The Exchange
Voktunma III (78,-7) 128 (0,0) Galactic Empire
Advozse Central Store Riflor (-90,-300) Riflora (3,3) Czerka Corporation
Anzati Heights Shopping Center Anzat (317,185) Axanar (0,0) Tresario Star Kingdom
Barabel Heights Shop Gendius I (-67,-308) City 2 (4,5) Czerka Corporation
Jarang`s Shop Geonosis (295,-250) The Protected City (2,4) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Garon Convenience Store Cona (128,19) Garon (0,2) Tenloss Syndicate
Pogglar Shop Geonosis (295,-250) Har Pogglar (7,8) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Bith`Ail One Stop Shop Clak'Dor VII (55,-350) Bith'Ail (0,0) Rebel Alliance
Nemthe Shop H`nemthe (80,-344) Nemthe (0,3) Rebel Alliance
Tifaa Shop Iktotch (159,-112) Tifaa (1,2) Falleen Federation
Cathor Shop Ithor (29,233) Cathor (5,9) Centrepoint Space Station
Humbarine (78,30) Drev'starn (6,6) Galactic Empire
Latham`s Shop Kins (5,57) City 94 (4,3) Galactic Empire
Kenton Shop Kuat (70,53) Kenton (3,5) Galactic Empire
Capital City Shopping Center Zolan (206,-226) Capital City (3,3) Falleen Federation
Heurkea Shop Mon Calamari (430,245) Heurkea (4,2) Mandalore
Devora General Store Rrulinn (-55,-306) Devora (0,7) Czerka Corporation
Gough Shop Glee Anselm (-105,195) Pieralos [NPC] (0,1) XXX MINERS
Shop Marca (130,230) Nemar (7,7) Mandalore
City 91 Convenience Store Falleen (211,-186) City 10 (11,7) Falleen Federation
Iskaayuma Shop Rodia (276,-245) Iskaayuma (5,4) Rebel Alliance
Sinitia Shop Sinite (285,200) Sinitia (4,7) Tresario Star Kingdom
Labcar Shop Sullust (55,-305) Suubria (3,1) Rebel Alliance
Trandora Shop Trandosha (210,90) Trandora (9,8) Tresario Star Kingdom
Sriluria Prison View Shopping Center Sriluur (370,127) Sriluria (2,2) Eidola Pirates
Rlyek Shop Ryloth (310,-295) R'lyek (7,4) The Exchange
Rwookrrorro Wookiee Shopping Centre Kashyyyk (210,90) Rwookrrorro (5,4) The Faerytail Family
Yadera General Store Flauss (78,-405) Yadera (10,11) Rogue Squadron
Ekurak Shopper`s Choice Keedad (337,241) Ekurak (5,5) Tresario Star Kingdom
Coruscago Shop Diamal (-19,-87) Coruscago (4,7) Galactic Empire
Latho Shop Tatooine (296,-248) Palace compound (7,11) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Anchorhead Shop Tatooine (296,-248) Anchorhead (4,5) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Mos Espa Shop Tatooine (296,-248) Mos Espa (9,9) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Mos Eisley Shop Tatooine (296,-248) Mos Eisley (2,7) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Shop Dulvoyinn (-25,-37) 80 (8,3) Galactic Empire
Muelshar Store Gand (415,167) AraKeen (0,11) Shadola United
Chadra Shop Bes IV (30,-420) Chadra Prime (1,6) Rogue Squadron
Verpine Chop Shop Nickel One (235,155) Nickel One 01 01 (1,1) Tresario Star Kingdom
Aldi Shop Geonosis (295,-250) FFC Geonosis 03 05 (3,5) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Theed Shop Naboo (140,-268) TFC Naboo 03-07 * + (3,7) Trade Federation
Frimmla's Junkshop Sanyassa IV (-202,-256) Bhaktivedanta (7,7) Trade Federation
Truuktar Used Goods Gendius I (-67,-308) Alater-ka (5,4) Czerka Corporation
Shop Humbarine (78,30) Humbarine 10-04 Arua'Starn (10,4) Galactic Empire
Imzig Shop Harrin Prime (6,-167) Yod\'Hall (7,5) The Faerytail Family
Imzig Shop Cerea (-106,-270) Ceretuul (6,2) Czerka Corporation
Imzig Shop Keedad (337,241) Iriditt (5,4) Tresario Star Kingdom
Shop Polis Massa (-40,-450) Polis Massa (0,0) None
Shop Kintan (360,120) M\'dweshuu (4,5) Eidola Pirates
Pau`an Shop Utapau (78,-405) Pau City (5,7) Rebel Alliance
Shop Klatooine (360,120) Derelkoos Desert (5,5) Knights of the Fountain
Shop Manaan (136,12) Ahto City (5,3) Tenloss Syndicate
Elom Shop Forscan VI (339,228) Forscan VI 05 04 (5,4) Tresario Star Kingdom
Mindor (45,152) Muuna (3,3) Trade Federation
Pau`an Shop Cathar (118,270) Cathaar (3,1) Mandalore
Grand Bazar Zeltros (151,49) Random Zeltros City 6-3 (6,3) Rendili StarDrive
Hutt Slime and Grease Shop Nal Hutta (325,-20) Bilbousa (6,2) Eidola Pirates
All and Nothing Naboo (140,-268) TFC Naboo 05-08 Theed (5,8) Trade Federation
Korunaan Shopping District Ithor (29,233) Tafanda Bay (6,9) Centrepoint Space Station
Korunaan Shopping District Klatooine (360,120) Veneron (2,2) Knights of the Fountain
Korunaan Shopping District Mon Calamari (430,245) Coral City (3,8) Mandalore
Korunaan Shopping District Mindor (45,152) Mariunhus (5,4) Trade Federation
Korunaan Shopping District Glee Anselm (-105,195) Anselom (5,0) XXX MINERS
Korunaan Shopping District Kintan (360,120) Fortress Kh`aris (3,5) Eidola Pirates
Korunaan Shopping District Qiraa (136,-207) Korunaan City (4,5) Falleen Federation
Korunaan Shopping District Sakiya (351,-14) Korunaan City (6,6) The Faerytail Family
Korunaan Shopping District Sinite (285,200) Korunaan City (4,6) Tresario Star Kingdom
Korunaan Shopping District Alzoc III (204,-386) Valley of Blizzards (7,6) Total Outer Rim
Korunaan Shopping District Shili (14,172) Corvala (1,4) Quests
Korunaan Shopping District Toydaria (319,17) Toydor (5,6) Tresario Star Kingdom
Korunaan Shopping District Gentes (-65,-337) Korunaan City (3,4) The Exchange
Korunaan Shopping District Sriluur (370,127) Meirm City (4,2) Eidola Pirates
Korunaan Shopping District Keedad (337,241) Keedad 03 05 (3,5) Tresario Star Kingdom
Korunaan Shopping District Zeltros (151,49) Zeltros (6,2) Rendili StarDrive
Lannik Shop Lannik (275,-77) TFF Lannik (4,4) (4,4) The Faerytail Family
[TOR] Magazino Yunkor IV (-13,-358) Столица ТОРа (7,6) Total Outer Rim
Korunaan\\\'s Supply Shop Kubindi (412,111) Kubindi 03 03 - Hive City (3,3) Tresario Star Kingdom
Hydronium Pawn Shop Orto (50,-370) Hydronium (0,3) Rebel Alliance
Galactic Bazaar Republica (83,-288) Intergalactic Estates (8,8) Rebel Alliance
Qua`Tahc Bargins Chibias (-35,-280) Qua`Tahc (3,3) Czerka Corporation
Briq a Braq store Alderaan (44,79) Terrarium City (2,7) Tenloss Syndicate
Pawn Shop Hapes (152,106) Haporium (14,9) Hapes Consortium
Pawn Shop Corellia (62,-8) Kor Vella (9,4) Galactic Empire
Denhui-Eight Shop Ubrikkia IV (273,55) Korunaan City (1,1) Sienar Fleet Systems
Shop Bothawui (283,-133) Drev'starn (5,2) Quests
Shop Devaron (35,-100) Montellian Serat (7,6) Quests
Shop Nimban (340,60) Nelvaan (8,2) Darkness
Shop Skor II (48,-433) Metrobig City (6,9) Rogue Squadron
Besbe'yaim Manda (312,-168) Aloriya (9,9) Mando`ade
Areticles Pawn Shop Ardroxia II (304,97) Ardroxia II 07 01 (7,1) Tresario Star Kingdom
Randon Shop Center Randon I (235,62) TFF Randon I (5,9) (5,9) The Faerytail Family
Surplus Bargain Store Skeebo III (434,172) Yhery (12,6) Shadola United
Confederate Underoos Kalarba (-128,174) 1,8 (1,8) Confederacy of Independent Systems
Mecrosa Surplus and Supply Trunska (-80,-92) [T 2-3] Miner's Town (2,3) Mecrosa
Gearworks Shop Vorsia Companion (96,90) High Garden (1,0) One Nation Under Jou
Svivreni General Store Svivren (160,-386) Nalchik Central Park (7,5) Total Outer Rim
Areticles Pawn Shop Thesme IV (160,284) Lilly's Dream (NPC Shop) (0,5) Confederacy of Independent Systems
Bantha Credit Store Shownar II (194,-368) [KoL] City @Shownar II #236 (9,2) TIEFE
Binga Winga Credit Store Chamm II (30,-40) Harnil City (1,15) Galactic Empire
Dianoga Shop Skeebo III (434,172) SYT - District 1 (18,12) Shadola United
Knicker Bocker Shop of Stuff Fwatna Companion (-38,-438) South Noctru Real Estate (1,2) Byblos Drive Yards
Mercenary Supply Ansion (-120,230) Ansion 02-03 (2,3) Galactic Bank
Milliways Taul (-70,-370) Taul 2, 1 (2,1) Chir’dorna
Spritzer's Supply Asher I (122,302) [Cybot] GazProm (not finished) (12,14) Confederacy of Independent Systems
Arbra Market Arbra (116,-297) Arbra (05,06) (5,6) -ARK-
Hyperspace Junction Market Ma`ar Shaddam IV (112,-428) Ore City (7,7) Rogue Squadron
Arbran III Prime Shop Arbran III (116,-297) Arbran III (06,05) (6,5) -ARK-
Kuat Company Store Dbari IV (-142,190) Dbari IV 08-01 (8,1) Galactic Bank
Medo Shopping Mall Callos (49,-300) Callos 12,6 (12,6) Rebel Alliance
Po-Goh's Stop 'n' Shop Charmath (-16,107) Mapleville (NPC shop) (4,8) Knights of the Fountain
Greaser's Wares Nar Shaddaa (325,-20) A Corellian Sector, Upper Levels (0,1) The Smugglers Guild
GnK Outlet Cantras Gola (-104,341) Serabit Khadim (*) (8,8) Guri-n Krayt
Far Out Shopping Mysterious Asteroid 12248 (317,185) Mysterious Asteroid 12248 00 00 (0,0) None
Xo Local Supplies Xo I (90,460) ORE (4,4)- SG - STARPORT (4,4) The Antarian Rangers
Xakic's Pawnshop Morath Beta (-100,50) Pandora (1,12) Aurodium Legion
Debaria Wares Camaria III (59,-400) Shiin (6,1) (6,1) FreiTek Inc.
Besbe'yaim Argovia (320,-160) Keldab'oriya (2,1) Mando`ade
Import/Export Emporium Skeebo III (434,172) Apex Galactical Trade City (6,17) Shadola United
Alabaster Emporium Calast VI (320,-230) Calast VI (1, 7) (1,7) The Resistance
Zazula Store Morath Beta (-100,50) ONI-Aliada (2,7) Aurodium Legion
Rehemsa Retail Centre Rehemsa (52,3) [VP] Central-West Port Authority (3,4) Galactic Empire
Jefferson City Shop - open 24 hours Danadine (235,-340) Jefferson City (1,12) TIEFE
Energetic Retail Emporium Sabrash II (293,84) Ithilikhar (8,8) Command Center (8,8) Sienar Fleet Systems
Trevi Emporium Trevi III (115,-272) Trevi III 5 3 (5,3) Rebel Alliance
Illips Shopways Express N`zoth (-70,64) Little Shop of Horrors (2,2) Aurodium Legion
Well Shoppery Reecee (-107,138) New SoBTown (0,0) Aurodium Legion
ARES NPC Shop Illodia (-60,-80) Qetix 22 (2,2) Mecrosa
Padawan Pawn Shop Lol II (246,-338) Lol II (3,3) (3,3) Jedi Order
Temple Market Ossus (327,238) Ossus 09 06 (9,6) Tresario Star Kingdom
Shop Jabiim (350,195) Choal (0,4) Eidola Pirates
Shop K`taktaxka (-120,-145) [NAE] Mar-yan (9,1) The Mindabaal League
Goodie Shop Pesmenben II (230,25) TCC Communitypolis (4,4) Triumvirate Coalition
Shop Adarlon (60,-440) Adarlon Hunt Central (7,6) Krath Empire
Rothanian Emporium Rothana (400,-195) Elite II (3,3) Krath Empire
Lake City Consignment Shop Balamak (267,109) Lake City (1,1) Triumvirate Coalition
Kiffar Shop of Goods Kiffex (-10,-130) The Old DMZ (5,3) Darkness
Downtown Edgewood General Store Fitca Prime (-7,248) Edgewood (Downtown) (4,4) None
Uline Shop Messert III (245,75) TFF Messert III (5,5) (5,5) The Faerytail Family
Uogo`cor General Store Uogo`cor (241,30) TFF Uogo`cor (2,12) (2,12) The Faerytail Family
Shop of the Guardians Morath Beta (-100,50) Pinkville #04 (11,3) Aurodium Legion
Raging Banthas Kroctar (105,184) Raging Banthas HQ (12,11) Outland Mining Corporation
Goods and Items Boordii V (130,186) Alano's Point (13,4) Outland Mining Corporation
Cobra`s Junk Box Krmar (280,-335) [BSF] Krmar 07-07 (7,7) Blue Sabre Federation
Lorell Arcology Lorell (136,99) [VP] Morgarr Commercial (8,4) Hapes Consortium
Chamm II Shop Chamm II (30,-40) Yofftopia (9,14) Galactic Empire
The Kale Shop of Itemery Kreeling (180,-228) [NK] Kreeling Nagatee Technologies HQ (7,0) Falleen Federation
Eht-Noi Shop Argai (363,266) Vatsiana (3,1) Athakam MedTech
Etera Shop Voss (352,264) Meeshae - Capitol District (8,8) Tion Hegemony
Caross General Goods Togoria (244,138) Caross (3,1) Darkness
Xakic`s Pawn Shop Thira (87,-92) Epizephyrian Locris {Thira} (1,1) Zann
Little Shop of Horrors Comra (-68,297) Comra (0, 0) Founders City (0,0) Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums
Students Shop Jaminere (357,266) Sarbonne (11,8) Tion Hegemony
Aleos Narek's shop Ord Radama (226,329) New Raido (6,11) eXiles Corporation
Bastion General Store Bastion (-62,407) SYT -2- (1,2) Prospect (1,2) SYT Transport
Bestal Two - Shooting & Country Supplies Bestal Two (-151,-404) Bestal Two 9, 6 (9,6) Chir’dorna
Crssstk Halla Shop Ylesia (397,-20) Crssstk`Halla (5,6) Eidola Pirates
SwiftBlade City Shop Skeebo III (434,172) SwiftBlade City (18,11) Shadola United
NPC Shop Bheriz (443,48) Command Center - Bheriz 1,1 (1,1) The Black Hand
NPC Shop Atraken B (241,221) Eastern Outpost (2,1) Guri-n Krayt
Shop Mirial (247,351) City (5,6) Quests
Quiberon Shop Quiberon II (358,-199) Quiberon II 03/03 (3,3) Krath Empire
Sevarcos III Shop Sevarcos III (93,-371) Rock Ivory (3,3) Eidola Pirates
Shop Kushibah (214,304) City (2,2) Quests
Shop Polus (53,258) City (5,5) Quests
NPC Shop Ord Cantrell (-21,264) Bartertown Southside (9,11) Eidola Pirates
Dubrillion Shop Dubrillion (-41,399) *The Green Forest (3,4) Dukha Industrial
Azure Supply Center Thorgeld IV (-15,98) Thorgeld IV Business Center (2,2) Galactic Empire
Scums One Stop Shop Irfan C (87,-92) Scums' Rest (0,0) Hutt Cartel
Thog’s Salvage Emporium Berrol`s Donn (-63,-375) CDM BD 1,0 (1,0) Chir’dorna
NPC Shop Mek va Uil (187,-103) [PAR] City #101 (15,0) Partisans
NPC Shop Maal (320,388) Maal 2,7 (2,7) Corporate Sector Authority
NPC Shop Pesmenben II (230,25) Thunderbirds' Nest (5,4) Triumvirate Coalition
NPC Shop Pesmenben II (230,25) Thunderbirds' Nest (5,4) Triumvirate Coalition
Shop Leritor (270,-180) City (4,1) Quests
Shop Secundus Ando (240,-210) City (6,4) Quests
Shop Dallenor (-6,-199) City (2,2) Quests
Binquaros Shop Binquaros (104,307) (CIS) Believeland (NPC Shop Available) (9,8) Confederacy of Independent Systems
NPC Shop Ruuria (273,383) Ruuria 6,9 (NPC Shop, BH taverns, Starport) (6,9) Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Spindrift Consignment Shop Spindrift IV (90,-440) Vendetta Dramshop 2.0 (2,0) Byblos Drive Yards
NPC Shop Skeebo III (434,172) Shadolan Bounty District (14,18) Shadola United
Mortra Shop Morta (91,-1) Tor Aashrur (2,2) One Nation Under Jou
Shop Revyia II (-10,460) City (6,2) Black Sun
Shop Ojom (27,0) City (0,3) Galactic Empire
El Sapo Loco Quermia II (352,310) Varno Hills (3,3) The Menagerie
Mecrotica Trade Supply Candoria (-82,-80) [C 3-2] Candoria (3,2) Mecrosa
NPC Shop Borleias (-69,116) Capitol City Central (8,8) The Invid Order
NPC Shop Tar Morden III (-40,-200) TM3-04-06 - Castle Tar Morden (4,6) Confederacy of Independent Systems
306 Keldabe Mandalore (158,216) Keldabe (14,2) Mandalore
NPC Shop Otunia II (241,411) [TAR] Otunia II 14,1 "Anami/Aratech Alcove" (14,1) The Antarian Rangers
Outfitter and Trophy Shop Mrlsst Asteroid VIII (16,-97) Haslin's Haven (0,0) The Smugglers Guild
NPC Shop Drup III (-73,-443) Scums Hideaway (5,4) Hutt Cartel
NPC Shop Venaari (183,198) Home of the Forgotten (1,1) Unnamed Imperium
NPC Shop Vretha 2 (47,210) Abbadre Outpost (1,1) Endless Initiative